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福清市2015-2016 学年第一学期七年级期末考试英语试卷 第一节 单项选择 ( )1.--______________are the oranges? -- Five yuan a kilo. A. How much B. How many C. How heavy ( )2.--We don’t have __________juice. Would you like to go and buy ____________? -- Yes, I’d love to! A. any, some B. some, any C. any, any ( )3.--What about this coat? -- It looks very nice ____________your mother. You can buy it ________her. A. on, to B. in, for C. on, for ( )4.请选出下列单词中划线部分读音不同于其他的一项 A.pair B.where C.dear ( )5.--Who’s the old man? Do you know ________________? -- He’s my grandfather. A. him B.he C. his ( )6.--I’m sorry I can’t help you now. -- ____________________ A. You’re welcome B. Let me see C. Thank you all the same ( )7.--What would you like to drink? -- ______________________ A. Some chocolate B.Two glass of water C. Two glasses of water ( )8.--What time is it? -- It’s ______________. A. forty-five four B. a quarter to five C. three quarters past four ( )9.--The pants are very nice. Can I _______________? -- Sure. A.try it on B.try them on C. try on them ( )10.Our English teacher often asks us ________________English in class. A. speak B. speaking C. to speak 第二节 口语应用 从II 栏中选出与I 栏相应的答语,使其组成完整的对话 I II ( )11. Your new bike looks very nice! A. Good ide ( )12. Does your brother teach in a school? B. Six bottles of Coke ( )13. Why not have some milk? C.Thank you. (


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