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《知识产权贸易》课程简介 课程英文名 Trade of Intellectual Property 课程代码 N0301ZC8 学分 2 总学时 32 理论学时 32 实验/实践学时 0 先修课程 知识产权法总论 适用专业 知识产权 内容简介 (中文) 本课程是面向法学院知识产权专业的选修课。随着科学技术的发展,知识产权与国际贸易的联系日益紧密。当今世界贸易中,商品的知识和技术含量越来越高,因此,各国在大力鼓励发展知识和技术密集产业的同时,十分关注出口商品和技术的知识产权保护。知识产权贸易对经济发展的作用也越来越重要。通过本课程的学习,学生能了解知识产权保护与世界贸易的关系,理解知识产权国际制度的重要性,国际知识产权保护体系和知识产权贸易的有关实务问题。 内容简介 (英文) This course is a professional optional course set up for the students majoring in intellectual property of the Law School. With the development of science and technology, the connection between intellectual property and international trade is becoming close increasingly. In the present world trade, the proportion of knowledge and technology of the goods is getting higher and higher. So each country pays great attention to IP protection of the export commodities and technology when it energetically encourages the development of knowledge and technology intensive industries. IP trade plays an increasingly important role in the development of economy. Through this course students can understand the relationship between IP and world trade and the importance of international IP systems. At the same time students can get to know the international IP protection systems and some relevant problems in practice of IP trade. 执笔人 审定人 制定时间 2018 年05月


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