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Art Research Letters 艺术研究快报, 2021, 10(1), 12-18 Published Online February 2021 in Hans. /journal/arl /10.12677/arl.2021.101003 需求导向的木家居终端门店设计师模块化知识 体系构建 盛童安 浙江工业大学艺术与建筑学院,浙江 杭州 收稿日期:2021年1月3 日;录用日期:2021年1月25 日;发布日期:2021年2月4 日 摘 要 本文以构建木家居终端门店设计师(以下简称设计师) 的知识体系,减少设计师人为不标准出单的现象为 目的。通过调研整理设计师的工作痛点及需求,以需求为导向反向推出各个知识模块,根据各个模块间 的相互关联构建设计师的知识体系。模块化知识体系的构建对设计师而言,可根据自身的需求选择性学 习相应的知识模块以提升对产品的认知,同时规范了设计师的测量和服务的标准,提升客户对服务的满 意度。对企业而言,减少了设计师人为因素导致的非标出单量,订单得以标准化下单生产,提升生产效 率,缩短订单服务周期,降低订单的服务成本。对行业而言,为构建真正满足木家居终端门店设计师需 求的知识体系提供思路和参考。 关键词 模块化,需求导向,知识体系,终端门店设计师 Modular Knowledge System Construction of Terminal Store Designers Tong’an Sheng College of Art and Architecture, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou Zhejiang rd th th Received: Jan. 3 , 2021; accepted: Jan. 25 , 2021; published: Feb. 4 , 2021 Abstract This article aims to build the knowledge system of wooden home terminal store designers (herei- nafter referred to as designers), and reduce the phenomenon of non-standard orders by designers. 文章引用: 盛童安. 需求导向的木家居终端门店设计师模块化知识体系构建[J]. 艺术研究快报, 2021, 10(1): 12-18. DOI: 10.12677/arl.2021.101003 盛童安 Through investigation and sorting out the designer’s work pain points and needs, the need-oriented reverse introduction of various knowledge modules, and the construction of the designer’s know- ledge system based on the interrelationship between the various modules. For the construction of a modular knowledge system, designers can selectively learn the corresponding knowledge modules according to their own needs to enhance their knowledge of the product, and at the same time stan- dardize the designer’s measurement and service standard



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