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RS® RTO6 Oscilloscope User Manual (B1Ðå2) 1801668702 Version 04
® This manual describes the following RS RTO6 models with firmware version 5.10: ● ® RS RTO64 (1802.0001K04) © 2022 Rohde Schwarz GmbH Co. KG Muehldorfstr. 15, 81671 Muenchen, Germany Phone: +49 89 41 29 - 0 Email: info@ Internet: Subject to change – data without tolerance limits is not binding. ® RS is a registered trademark of Rohde Schwarz GmbH Co. KG. Trade names are trademarks of the owners. ® 1801.6687.02 | Version 04 | RS RTO6 ® ® Throughout this manual, products from Rohde Schwarz are indicated without the symbol, e.g. RS RTO6 is indicated as RS RTO6.
® Contents RS RTO6 Contents 1 Safety and regulatory information11 1.1 Safety instructions 11 1.2 Labels on the product16 1.3 Warning messages in the documentation 16 1.4 Korea certification class A 17 2 Preface 18 2.1 Key features18 2.2 Documentation overview18 2.3 Options described in this document20 2.4 Conventions used in the documentation22 3 Getting started23 3.1 Preparing for use 23 3.2 Instrument tour30 3.3 Operating the instrument 40 4 Instrument setup67 4.1 System settings67 4.2 Option settings71 4.3 Appearance settings74 4.4 Display settings90 4.5 Frontpanel settings94 4.6 Preset setup98 4.7 Maintenance settings100 4.8 Save / recall 104 5 Acquisition and waveform setup109 5.1 Basics109 5.2 Horizontal119 5.3 Horizontal accuracy 123 5.4 Acquire settings 126 5.5 Vertical setup137 5.6 Probes 144 User Manual 1801.6687.02 ─ 04 3
® Contents RS RTO6 5.7 RS RT-ZVC probe170 5.8 Differential signals 179 5.9 Setting up the waveform 183 6 Triggers188 6.1 Basics of triggering 188 6.2 Setting up the trigger189 6.3 Trigger types191 6.4 Mode / Holdoff 219 6.5 Conditioning 221 6.6 Actions on trigger 223 6.7 Qualification 225 6.8 Sequence 227 6.9 Zone trigger 231 6.10 External trigger input235 7 Waveform analysis238 7.1 Zoom 238 7.2 Reference waveforms 248 7.3 Mathematics 255 7.4 History275 7.5 XY-diagram 281 8 Measurements285 8.1 Cursor measureme
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