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A.respectful 国家开放大学电大一 网一平台《商务英语2》 一体化考试机考形考任务7题库及答案 形考任务7题库 一、选择填空:闻读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最性选项。 试 题 1 -I’m afraid the goods we received yesterday are short of weight. 选择一项 A.Im afraid we really couldn’t accept that. B. I suggest maybe should check it again. C.I’m sorry to say the shipment didn’t turn out to be satisfactory. 试 题 2 -So could you make an exception and accept D/P? 选择一项: A.I shali tell you frankly it would drastically increase our risk. B. Thanks,we are inclined to accept your price. C.We have already tried our best. 试 题 3 -We regret we cannot review your weight-shortage claim as it really has nothing to do with uS. 选择一项: A.The weight of the cargo on loading was supervised by the manager. B.But 15 tons of goods cant simply disappear into thin air. C. I think there must be some misunderstanding. 试 题 4 Consumption and investment, meanwhile,accounted for 4.5 and 1.2 percentage points of first-quarter growth 选择一项: B.respectable C.respectively 试题5 We wont entertain your claim the inspection certification from the Commodity Inspection Bureau. 选择一项: A unless you will have B.unless you don’t have C. unless you have 试 题 6 二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。 1. For the seller,the best terms would be full payment in cash at the time of sale,( ) A. 为了卖方利益,最好的条款是在销售时以现金全额付款。 B. 对于卖方来说,最好的付款方式是销售时全额现金支付。 C. 由于卖方缘故,最好的协议是在销售时以现金全额付款。 2.There is a difference of 5 million dollars between this year’s sales and last year s.( ) A. 这里有今年和去年5百万美元的销售额差价。 B. 今年和去年的销售额相差5百万美元。 C. 今年和去年的销售额有5百万美元的不同。 3. So lets meet each other half-way and compromise on a 10% reduction in price on the consignment.( ) A. 那么我们半路上见,妥协运货价降低10%吧。 B. 那么我们各让一半,你我妥协将运货价降至10%吧。 C. 那么我们双方都做些让步,运货价减少10%吧。 4. The



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