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第十三章鸽笼原理与排列组合 离散数学 南京大学 提要 提要 鸽笼原理 基本的原理 一般的鸽笼原理 运用的例子 排列与组合 基本的排列组合 组合与二项式系数 有重复的排列组合 鸽笼原理 鸽笼原理 若要将 n 只鸽子放到 m 个笼子中, 且 mn, 则至少有一个笼子要装2个或更多的鸽子。 证明: 反证法。 例子 例子 从 1 到 8 中任选 5 个数,其中必有两个数其和为9。 何为鸽子?何为笼子? 划分:{ {1,8}, {2,7}, {3,6}, {4,5} } 从集合 {1,2,…,20} 中选11个数,则必有一个是另一个的倍数。 Not Too Far Apart Not Too Far Apart Problem: We have a region bounded by a regular hexagon whose sides are of length 1 unit. Show that if any seven points are chosen in this region, then two of them must be no farther apart than 1 unit. The region can be divided into six The region can be divided into six equilateral triangles, then among 7 points randomly chosen in this region must be two located within one triangle. Shaking Hands at a Gathering Shaking Hands at a Gathering Situation: at a gathering of n people, everyone shook hands with at least one person, and no one shook hands more than once with the same person. Problem: show that there must have been at least two of them who had the same number of handshaking. Solution: Pigeon: the n participants Pigeonhole: different number between 1 and n-1. 再例 再例 任给一个正整数n,总存在一个它的倍数,其十进制表示中只有0和1两个数字符 任给n,构造含有n+1个数的数列 1,11,111,1111,…,,11**11 上述n+1个数必有两个数模n同余 两数差:n的倍数,只有0和1 鸽笼原理(一般) 鸽笼原理(一般) 若将 n 只鸽子置于 m 个笼子中, 则至少有一个笼子需容纳 ?(n-1)/m?+1个 或更多鸽子。 生日是周几 生日是周几 我班有 43 名同学。生日是周几相同的同学的数目至少是几个? 拉姆齐(Ramsey)数 拉姆齐(Ramsey)数 R(3,3)=6 问题: 6 人之中要么有三人互相认识,要么有3人互不认识。 BCDnot knowing each other B C D not knowing each other knowing each other There must be at least 3 elements which fall into one of the two pigeonhole. A Pigeonhole 2:those not knowing A 拉姆齐(Ramsey)数 R(3,3)=6 难找的鸽子与笼子 Situation: A chess player wants to prepare for a championship match by playing some practice games in 77 days. She wants to play at least one game a day but no more than 132 games altogether. Problem: show that no matter how she schedules the games there is a period of consecutive days within which she plays exactly 21 games. Scheduling the Practice Games: Solution Let Let ai denote the total number


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