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初中英语语法归纳:动词+常见介词的搭配 一、动词+介词on”的常见搭配   ?  ▲act on [upon]?照……行事;对……起作用;按照……行动   The medicine acted on his fever at once.?这药立刻使他退了烧。   The police are acting on information received.?警察正根据得到的情报采取行动。   ▲agree on [upon]?同意;达成协议   He agreed on helping us.?他同意帮助我们。   Both sides agreed on these terms.?双方都同意这些条件。   Can we agree on a price (a date)??我们能不能商定一个价格(日期)?   ▲blame … on?把……归咎于(某人)   He blamed his failure on his teacher.?他把他的失败归咎于老师。   They blamed the accident on me.?他们把事故归咎于我。   ▲call on [upon]?拜访,看望   I called on Mr Green.?我拜访了格林先生。   I shall call on him tomorrow.?我明天要去看望他。   ▲concentrate on [upon]?聚精会神,全神贯注   She couldn’t concentrate on a book very long.?她不能长时间聚精会神地读书。   He concentrated himself upon his work.?他全神贯注干他的工作。   ▲congratulate … on?因……而祝贺;因……庆幸   I congratulated him on passing his driving test.?我祝贺他驾驶考试及格。   She congratulated herself on her narrow escape.?她为她的九死一生自我庆幸。   ▲count on [upon]?指望,依赖   Can I count on your help??我能仰仗你的协助吗?   You can’t count on Tom being punctual.?你不要指望汤姆会守时。   ▲dawn on?渐渐被理解,渐渐(使人)明白   It dawned on me that Joanna had been right all along.?我慢慢明白,原来乔安娜一直是对的。   After the hint she gave, it dawned on me that she was expecting a present.?经她一暗示,我恍然大悟,原来她是在盼着一件礼物。   ▲decide on [upon]?对……作出决定,选定   She decided on the red shoes.?她决定要买那双红鞋。   They decided upon adjourning the session.?他们决定休会。   ▲depend on [upon]?依靠   You cannot depend on your parents forever.?你不能永远依靠你的父母。   Our organization depends on donations from the public.?我们的机构依靠公众的捐助。   ▲experiment on?对(用)……进行实验(做实验)   He experimented on rats.?他用老鼠做实验。   Many people disapprove of scientists who experiment on animals.?许多人不赞成科学家在动物身上做实验。   ▲feed (…) on?用……喂养,以……为主食   He often feeds a dog on meat.?他常用肉喂狗。   Cows feed on hay during the winter.?牛在冬天吃干草。   ▲get on?登上;应付;过日子   The bus came and we got on.?公共汽车来了,我们就上了车。   I am afraid I didn’t get on very well in the exam.?我这次考试恐怕不太顺利。   ▲hit on [upon]?忽然想到,想出   She hit on a marvelous idea.?她忽然想到一个妙主意。   At last we hit upon a way of dealing wit


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