学长帮文书_p s范文berkeleyPS CV推荐信跟名校学写一.pdfVIP

学长帮文书_p s范文berkeleyPS CV推荐信跟名校学写一.pdf

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[PS/CV/推荐信] 跟 名校学写 PS (一) 今天小编给大家选取的是伯克利大学 网页上对个人陈述的指导文章。很多时候 我们都是从别人口中听说 PS 该如何写,其实我们从 学校的 网页上也可以找 到很多对 PS 写作的指导,更为直接具体,相信大家读完后会对 PS 写作有些全新的 认识。 Writing the Statement of Purpose by Carla Trujillo, Ph.D. A) Things to Keep in Mind: 1. What the admissions committee will read between the lines: motivation, competence, potential as a graduate student. 2. Emphasize everything from a positive and write in an active, not a passive voice. 3. Demonstrate everything by example; don’t say directly that you’re a persistent , show it. 4. If there is something important that happened to you that affected your grades, such as poverty, illness, or excessive work, state it. Write it affirmatively, however, showing your perseverance. 5. Make sure everything is linked with continuity and focus. 6. The essay should be approxima y (1½-2 pages) single-space, 12pt. font. B) Writing the Statement of Purpose: Part 1: Introduction l them what you’re interested in, and perhaps, what sparked your desire for graduate study. Part 2: Summarize what you did as an undergraduate a) Research you conducted. Indicate with whom, the title of the project, what your responsibilities were, and the e. Write technically, or in the style of your discipline. Professors are the people who read these statements. b) Important paper or thesis project you completed, as well as anything scholarly your curricular requirements. c) Work experience, especially if you had any kind of responsibility for testing, designing, researching or interning in an area similar to what you wish to study in graduate school. Part 3: Indicate your current activities. If you graduated and worked prior to returning to grad school, indicate what you’ve been ng: company or non-profit, your work/design team, responsibilities, what you learned. You can also indicate here how this helped


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