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重量 Weight 车桥 总重量 1 2 3 4 5 6 Axle Total weight t 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.2 9.2 9.2 551 ) t 11.83 11.83 11.83 11.3 11.3 11.3 702 ) t 15.3 15.3 15.3 15 15 15 913 ) t 21.6 21.6 21.6 17.4 17.4 17.4 1174 ) 1 )55t :上车不带2-6节吊臂、主卷钢丝绳、平衡重、超起、起重吊钩、副臂;下车不带前活动支腿、后固定支腿及后活动腿、 超起及配重支架、备胎及支架、梯子; 驱动行驶:12×8 ;轮胎规格445/95R25 1) 55t: Superstructure: without 2~6 boom sections, main winch wire rope, counterweight, super lifting device, hook block and jib. Chassis: without front outrigger beam, rear outrigger box and beam, super lifting device and counterweight bracket, spare tire and its bracket, and ladder. Driving mode: 12 ×8; tire specification: 445/95R25 2 )70t :55t状态+二节臂、主卷钢丝绳、前支腿;下车不带后固定支腿及后活动腿、备胎及支架; 驱动行驶:12×8 ;轮胎规格445/95R25 2) 70 t: 55 t configuration + 2nd boom section, main winch wire rope, front outriggers; Chassis: without rear outrigger boxes and beams, spare tire and its bracket. Driving mode: 12 ×8; tire specification: 445/95R25 3 )91t :55t状态+2-6节吊臂、主卷钢丝绳、前后活动支腿以及后固定支腿、备胎及支架 驱动行驶:12×8 ;轮胎规格445/95R25 3) 91 t: 55 t configuration + 2nd~6th boom sections, main winch wire rope, front and rear outrigger beams, rear outrigger boxes, spare tire and its bracket Driving mode: 12 ×8; tire specification: 445/95R25 4 )117t :55t状态+2-6节吊臂、超起、主卷钢丝绳、前后活动支腿以及后固定支腿、备胎及支架、10t平衡重、支脚盘 驱动行驶:12×8 ;轮胎规格445/95R25 4) 117 t: 55 t configuration + 2nd~6th boom sections, super lifting device, main




