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ECO-TONES生态之歌URBAN DESIGN FOR SINO-SINGAPORETIANJIN ECO-CITY 中新天津生态城城市设计EXECUTIVE SUMMARYTianjin, the largest coastal city in the northern area ofChina, is known for its exceptionalNATURAL surround-ings andHISTORY, making it one of the most importanttourism centers of China. Long recognized as a historic“Renaissance” city, Tianjin was one of the earliest cities inChina to introduce Western cultures and in creating a cityculture of its own with both Chinese and Western charac-ter.Today, Tianjin has transitioned as a city on the move, expe-riencing rapid successfulGROWTH and in leading as oneof the nation’s mostMODERN HUBS. At the forefrontof this movement is the city’s area of Binhai, framing theglobal prowess of the country along the coastal watersof the Bohai Sea. Now, the city faces the threshold ofanother transition, one that seeks to strike aBALANCEbetween its surrounding natural environment and historywith a modern-day lifestyle and activity.Located east of Tianjin’s historic city center, along theregion’s northern ecological corridor and adjacent toBinhai, Tianjin Eco-City will represent a new type of bench-mark that will define socially responsible and ecologicalsensitive development; from its unique Eco-Valley corridor,multi-modal transportation connectivity, to sustainablethinking of its Eco-Cell communities, restoration of nativehabitats and so forth. The vision and development of Tian-jin Eco-City will demarcate the success of a new passagefor this century, not just for the city but that of the nation,leading in the forefront of China’sGREEN RENAIS-SANCE.It is our honor to present our vision to you in this docu-ment.纲 要天津是中国北部地区最大的沿海城市。凭借其多样的自然资源和丰富的历史文化遗产,天津也是中国著名的旅游城市之一。天津,作为一个海纳百川,艺术文化蓬勃的城市,已久富盛名。它曾是中国最早引入西方文化的城市之一。吸收西方文化精髓,融合中国自身城市和建筑特色,从而创造出独特的天津特色的城市文化面貌。在21世界的今天,天津已经历了城市发展的转折期,随着城市规模的迅速壮大,已然成为了中国新世纪经济更上台阶的现代化引擎,而滨海新区正是这场战役的排头兵,向全世界宣示着中国沿渤海湾地区的强大实力和影响力。随着全球对环境问题的日益重视,现在天津的城市设计和发展又要开始另一次的转变——寻求周围自然环境和文化传统因素与现代健康的城市生活方式以及公共活动之间的平衡。 天津中新生态城位于天津中心城区以东、滨


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