
铃木船外机四冲程 DF60_DF70 英文维修手册.pdf

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For ’03 model – 9 9 5 0 0 - 9 9 E 1 0 - 0 1 E Downloaded from www.M manuals search engine FOREWORD GROUP INDEX This manual contains an introductory description on SUZUKI Outboard motor DF60/70 and procedures for the inspection, service and overhaul of its main components. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 General knowledge information is not included. Please read the GENERAL INFORMATION sec- PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 2 tion to familiarize yourself with basic informa- tion concerning this motor. Read and refer to the other sections in this manual for information re- garding proper inspection and service proce- ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM 3 dures. This manual will help you better understand this out- ELECTRICAL 4 board motor so that you may provide your custom- ers with optimum and quick service. FUEL SYSTEM 5 • This manual has been prepared using the lat- est information available at the time of publi- cation. POWER UNIT 6


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