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員工僱傭合約 本僱傭合約由XXXXXX訂立,於2013年4月1日以書面形式確認2013年04月01日開始生效的口頭僱傭合約。雙方同意後,決定重新訂立僱傭合約,遵守下列僱傭條款及條件: This employment contract is made by and between confirming in writing on April 1, 2013 the oral employment contract effective from April 1, 2013.The parties agree to re-enter into an employment contract, subject to the following terms and conditions of employment 受僱日期由2013年04月01日起生效,直至任何一方終止合約為止。 The date of employment shall be effective from 04/01/2013 until the termination of the contract by either party 受僱職位总经理????? General manager employed???????????? 工作地點香港告士打道50號馬來西亞大廈3樓302室,及僱主指定的其他地點。 Place of work: Room 302, 3/F., Malaysia Building. 50 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong, and such other places as may be designated by the employer. 4. 工作時間 每星期一至星期五上午九時至六時,或僱主秘書(以下簡稱秘書)所指定的其他時間,合共不多於四十小時(不包括每日一小時用膳時間)。超時工作一小時可按1比1.1的方式獲超時補假,補假在超時工作後的下月內補放。補假不應累積多於四十小時,若超過四十小時,僱員需通知秘書或副主席,經雙方協商後,由職員會追認或作彈性處理。 Working hours of not more than 40 hours (excluding one hour of daily meal breaks) per weekday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. or such other hours as may be designated by the employers secretary (hereinafter referred to as the secretary).Overtime leave will be granted at the rate of 1:1.1 for one hour of overtime work, which will be paid within the next month after the overtime work.No more than 40 hours of compensatory leave shall be accumulated. In case of any more than 40 hours, the employee shall notify the secretary or the deputy chairman and, upon mutual agreement, the staff shall endorse or give flexibility. 5. 工資 每月$11000,於每年支付壹次。秘書於次年5月前須提出檢討僱員薪酬福利,須先諮詢僱員意見,然後在職員會討論後在執委會於7月前確認。 Salary: $11,000 per month, payable once a year.The secretary shall propose a review of employees pay and benefits by may of the following year. The secretary shall consult with the employees first and confirm the review by July after discussion at staff meetings. 6. 休息日 每7天工作期間可享有不少於2天休息日,當休息日與法定假期重疊,秘書需另定一天補假。星期日為指定休息日,除非秘書另作指示。 Rest days not less than 2 rest days will be granted for every 7 working days. Whe


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