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thank you environment presentation From: girls in class 56 World Water Day Do you know which day is the World Water Day ? 1 2 3 surface water pollution what can we do data pictures water pollution types About water pollution “The world‘s leading killer” 80% 20,000,000 1994·淮河水污染事件 2004·沱江水污染事故 geological disasters (地质灾害) Natural pollution the scour of rain (雨的冲刷) the flow of the sea and river (水的流动) sediment (底泥) Daily life sewage A serious pollution incident occurred in the morning of August 10,2012, in Yellow River in Lanzhou. The glowing sewage with white foam polluted Yellow river widely. Dianchi Lake, the most polluted one of Yunnan Nine Larger Plateau lakes , its water quality is worse than Class VI.Temperature rises in every summer, coupled with severe eutrophication, can cause serious pollution,outbreak of blue-reen algae. The number of salvaged dead pigs in Huangpu River has been more than 13,000. Downstream residents are very worried about the quality of drinking water. “米慌”——湖南镉米事件 镉米后遗症:湖南米市萧条, 农民欲抛荒水田 Industrial waste water Industrial waste water is generated in process of industrial production waste water , and sewage , which contains water that have the industrial production of materials , intermediate products and contaminants produced in the production. 金华金三角工业区污水肆虐 “触目惊心” All kinds of industry generate trade waste: Iron and steel industry Food industry Complex organic chemicals industry Nuclear industry pollutants: organics, oil, metal, acid 废水污染水源 养殖户难讨“说法” Industrial waste water influents our life deeply 农药的利用率低于30%,70%以上的农药残留于环境中,严重影响农业生态环境。农药的不合理使用,导致农产品农药残留量增加,农产品质量下降,进而影响人体健康。 Agricultural waste water 空气中的大部分残药可通过皮肤和眼睛粘膜表面接触损害人体,再通过呼吸系统吸入引起呼吸道疾病,严重时会导致急性中毒,甚至致癌。施用的化肥会造成水体富营养化。 农药化肥污染 Animal manure emissions without any harmless treatment not only pollute the environment around the farm, leading to surface waterpollution.It is the major pollution source of eutrophication of lakes an



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