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2011年1月全国自考《旅游英语选读》真题及详解Ⅰ. Multiple choice: (1×15=15)
Directio: Beneath each of the
following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the
one that best completes the sentence.
1. The holiday is _____ and can be purchased at prices that are
competitive with mass-produced holidays.
A. bought
B. flexible
C. happy
D. tired
2. The World Tourism Organization attempts
to _____ tourist policies among natio.
A. make
B. raise
C. provide
D. harmonize
【解析】句意:世界旅游组织试图制定旅游国际准则,协调各国政策。“协调政策”即harmonize the policies。
3. Travele of interest to the industry are usually classified into
those whose travels require the use of _____ accommodation and those whose
trips last less than one day.
A. weekend
B. holiday
C. overnight
D. daily
4. Young couples, whatever their job or income status, with small
children may find it difficult to_____.
A. travel abroad
B. visit
neighboring countries
C. do shopping
D. have train
5. In the case of tourists interested in other cultures, the
location and _____ of the cultural event will determine the destination
A. association
B. accessibility
C. availability
D. practicality
6. Large travel agencies will have their _____ designed and prepared
in their own advertising department.
A. brochures
B. handouts
C. reports
D. programmes
7. The vast size and the varied geography provide China with
beautiful _____ and a dazzling array of natural and scenic wonde
A. plantatio
B. wildlife
C. landscapes
D. beach
8. Englis
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