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一、单项选择 7 、Which of the following books is written by Geoffery Chaucer? (难度系数: 2.00 ) A、The Canterbury Tales B、Beowulf C、King Lear D、 Morte D 'Arthur 参考答案:A 6 、Which of the following did Not belong to Romanticism? (难度系数:2.00 ) A、Keats B、Shelley C、Wordsworth D、 Defoe 参考答案:D 5 、Which of the following is generally considered to be the masterpiece by Joseph Conrad? (难度系数:2.00 ) A、Oliver Twist B、The Heart of Darkness C、Howards End D、 Wuthering Heights 参考答案:B 8 、 Which of the following writers wrote the book 1984 that began Postmodernism in British literature? (难度系数:2.00 ) A、George Orwell B、Robert L. Stevenson C、D.H. Lawrence D、 Virginia Woolf 参考答案:A 1 、In Britain, the great majority of parents send their children to (难度系数: 1.00 ) A、private schools B、independent schools C、state schools D、 public schools 参考答案:C 3 、If a student wants to go to university in Britain, he will take the examination called (难度系数:1.00 ) A、General Certificate of Education-Advanced B、General Certificate of Secondary Education C、the common entrance examination D、 General National Vocational Qualifications 参考答案:A 4 、Which of the following is Not true? (难度系数:1.00 ) A、Parents send their children to public schools because they are rich B、Parents send their children to public schools because their children can get better jobs when they leave school C、Parents send their children to public schools because their children can have a better chance of getting into a good university D、 Parents send their children to public schools because their children prefer to go to public schools 学生答案:A 参考答案:D 2 、Which of the following is Not included in the National Curriculum? (难度 系数:1.00 ) A、Children must study the subjects like English, mathematics, science and s


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