2023年上海中考一模英语试题分类汇编 专题6 完形填空含详解.docxVIP

2023年上海中考一模英语试题分类汇编 专题6 完形填空含详解.docx

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06-2023年上海市初三英语一模真题专项训练之完形填空 Choose the best answer to complete the passage(选择最恰当的选项,完成短文)(12分) 2023虹口一模 Do you ever find yourself doing something without thinking about it? We do lots of things automatically, out of habit rather than for any good reason. Learning to create healthy new habits can help you reach your goals. What is a habit? Scientists say habits are formed in the brain and include a cause, action and a reward. ____45____, if you are used to watching TV when you get home from school, the cause would becoming home from school; the action is turning on the TV; and the reward might be the happy, relaxed feeling from watching your favourite program. This good feeling makes you want to do the ____46____ thing after school the next day again, and over time it can become a habit. How are habits good for you? Turning something into a habit means you don’t have to think about it, which is good news when it’s healthy. Good habits can help ____47____ bad ones too, such as worrying. Sadie finds her habit of playing with fidget toys(指尖玩具)reduces ____48____. “They help me relax and stay focused,” she says. Scientists believe nearly half of the things we do every day is out of habit, so forming helpful habits is ____49____ a great way to help you reach your goals. How can you start to build healthy new habits? Dr. Radha Modgil notes it’s important to think about why you want to change. When it’s time to begin, “Try the 1% idea, where every day you improve or change something by 1%. That way you start to see ____50____ and you’re not discouraged(灰心的)by failure,” she says. Remember forming new habits isn’t always easy, but it will be worth it in the end. 45. A. At first B. For example C. As a result D. In fact 46. A. same B. effective C. flexible D. limited 47. A. produce B. prevent C. protect D. predict 48. A. feeling B. attention C. excitement D. stress 49. A. already B. almost C. also D. altogether 50. A. progress B. challenges C. movement D. suggestions 2023普陀一模


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