
中国政治制度史 .pdf

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中国政治制度史 The History of Chinese Political System 田锡全 一、课程简介 中国政治制度史是中国历史不可分割的重要组成部分,它既是政治学的一门 重要分支学科,又是历史学的一门重要专门史。中国政治制度史的研究对象是中 国历代的国体和政体,亦即历代的国家性质与形式问题。研究中国政治制度史, 也就是研究中国国家制度产生、发展和演变的历史。其中,不但要重视研究在中 国历史各个阶段中各阶级间的关系、力量对比和各阶级在国家政权中所占的不同 地位,还必须认真探索各个历史时期各级国家机关的组织结构形式,职、权责、 利的划分和运用,各个时期总的国家体制以及行政、立法、司法、军事、监察、 人事、财政、文教、民族等方面的典章制度的形成和执行情况,探讨它们对社会 发展的影响和在当时政治生活中所起的作用,并据此作出符合历史实际的分析和 评价。本课程内容宏富,要求学生广泛涉猎相关文献,掌握基本知识,以期对中 国政治制度的历史变迁有总体的把握。本课程重点关注中国历代国家元首制度、 中枢辅政制度、中央和地方行政体制、官员选拔制度、法律制度、监察和考课制 度、胥吏和幕府制度、军事制度、学校制度、乡里制度与乡绅制度、赋役制度与 俸禄制度等典章制度的变迁及影响等。 The History of Chinese Political System is an inseparable part of Chinese history, it is not only an important branch of political science, but also an important special history of history. The searching objects of the history of Chinese political system is the Chinese nation and the government, in other words, the study aims to countrys nature and form of the problem. Studying the history of Chinas political system, that is to say, this course study the history of Chinas national system, development and evolution. It is necessary not only to pay attention to the study of the relationship between the various classes in the various stages of Chinese history, the comparison of forces and the different status of the various classes in the state power, but also 1 seriously explore the various historical periods at all levels of state organs of the organizational structure, the formation and implementation of the rules and regulations of the various national systems and administrative, legislative, judicial, military, supervisory, personnel, finance, culture and education, ethnic groups and other aspects of the formation and implementation of the system. This course syst



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