2023年湖北省荆州市中考三模英语试题(含听力) .pdf

2023年湖北省荆州市中考三模英语试题(含听力) .pdf

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2023 年湖北省荆州市中考三模英语试题(含听力) 一、听短对话选答案 1. Where does Tom come from? A .China. B .France. C .England. 二、听长对话选答案 2. 听对话,回答下列两个小题。 1. Where are they going? A .To the shop. B .To the meeting. C .To the hospital. 2. How are they going to get there? A .By bus. B .By taxi. C .By subway. 3. 听对话,回答下列两个小题。 1. What will the speakers do this evening? A .See a film. B .Go to a party. C .Have dinner together. 2. When will they meet? A .At 6:30. B .At 7:30. C .At 8:10. 4. 听对话,回答下列三个小题。 1. What’s the possible relationship between the speakers? A .Classmates. B .Strangers. C .Friends. 2. Where does the man want to go? A .The hospital. B .The bookshop. C .The train station. 3. What happened in the end? A .The woman took the man there. B .The man went there by bike. C .The man got lost. 5. 听对话,回答下列三个小题。 1. What are the speakers talking about? A .The local market. B .Chinese paper-cuts. C .Hand-made products. 2. What is the main theme of Chinese paper-cuts in the woman’s opinion? A .Animals. B .Plants. C .Characters. 3. Why does the woman want to buy more paper-cuts? A .To collect them herself. B .To give them to her friends. C .To make her house beautiful. 6. 听对话,回答下列四个小题。 1. What will the students do next week? A .Have a concert. B .Have a school trip. C .Have an English test. 2. How do they feel? A .Scared. B .Disappointed. C .Excited. 3. What did the students do last year? A .Had a bicycle tour. B .Boated on Haizi Lake. C .Organized activities with the guides. 4. Who will the girl ask for help? A .Mrs Li. B .The guides. C .Jennifer. 三、听短文选答案 7. 听下面一段短文,从每小题的三个选项中选出一个正确选项。短文听两遍。 1. Where does the train leave from? A .Cheng


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