【英语版】国际标准 ISO/TR 12885:2008 EN 纳米技术 与纳米技术有关的职业环境中的健康和安全实践 Nanotechnologies — Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies.pdf
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- | 2008-09-30 颁布
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- 国际标准 ISO/TR 11552:1997 EN 激光和激光相关设备 激光材料加工设备 金属切割的性能规范和基准 Lasers and laser-related equipment — Laser materials-processing machines — Performance specifications and benchmarks for cutting of metals.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 11552:1997 EN Lasers and laser-related equipment — Laser materials-processing machines — Performance specifications and benchmarks for cutting of metals 激光和激光相关设备 激光材料加工设备 金属切割的性能规范和基准.pdf
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- 国际标准 ISO/TR 11610:2004 EN/FR Protective clothing — Vocabulary 防护服 词汇.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 11627:1998 EN 测量明渠中的液体流动 利用非稳定流模型计算流体流动 Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Computing stream flow using an unsteady flow model.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 11627:1998 EN Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Computing stream flow using an unsteady flow model 测量明渠中的液体流动 利用非稳定流模型计算流体流动.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 11633-1:2009 EN 卫生信息学 医疗设备和医疗信息系统远程维护的信息安全管理 第1部分:要求和风险分析 Health informatics — Information security management for remote maintenance of medical devices and medical information systems — Part 1: Requirements and risk analysis.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 11633-1:2009 EN Health informatics — Information security management for remote maintenance of medical devices and medical information systems — Part 1: Requirements and risk analysis 卫生信息学 医疗设备和医疗信息系统远程维护的信息安全管理 第1部分:要求和风险分析.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 11633-2:2009 EN 卫生信息学 远程维护医疗设备和医疗信息系统的信息安全管理 第2部分:实施信息安全管理系统 (ISMS) Health informatics — Information security management for remote maintenance of medical devices and medical information systems — Part 2: Implementation of an informa.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 11633-2:2009 EN Health informatics — Information security management for remote maintenance of medical devices and medical information systems — Part 2: Implementation of an information security management system (ISMS) 卫生信息学 远程维护医疗设.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 12885:2008 EN Nanotechnologies — Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies 纳米技术 与纳米技术有关的职业环境中的健康和安全实践.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 12960:1998 EN 土工织物和土工织物相关产品 确定耐液体性能的筛选试验方法 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products — Screening test method for determining the resistance to liquids.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 12960:1998 EN Geotextiles and geotextile-related products — Screening test method for determining the resistance to liquids 土工织物和土工织物相关产品 确定耐液体性能的筛选试验方法.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 13154:2009 EN 医用电气设备 使用筛查热像仪识别发热人体的部署、实施和操作指南 Medical electrical equipment — Deployment, implementation and operational guidelines for identifying febrile humans using a screening thermograph.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 13154:2009 EN Medical electrical equipment — Deployment, implementation and operational guidelines for identifying febrile humans using a screening thermograph 医用电气设备 使用筛查热像仪识别发热人体的部署、实施和操作指南.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 13214:1996 EN 道路车辆 儿童约束系统 法规和标准汇编 Road vehicles — Child restraint systems — Compilation of regulations and standards.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 13214:1996 EN Road vehicles — Child restraint systems — Compilation of regulations and standards 道路车辆 儿童约束系统 法规和标准汇编.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 13298:1998 EN 船舶与海洋技术 通用术语词汇表 Ships and marine technology — Vocabulary of general terms.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 13298:1998 EN Ships and marine technology — Vocabulary of general terms 船舶与海洋技术 通用术语词汇表.pdf
- 国际标准 ISO/TR 13345:1994 EN 工业自动化系统 ISO/IEC 9506 协议子集规范 Industrial automation systems — Specification of subsets of the protocol for ISO/IEC 9506.pdf