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31 、 Our choice of justice has led to the abundant service of juice and device of attendance. 我们的正义选择导致了丰富的汁液供应及照看设计。 32 、 The reliance of appliance has enhanced the resemblance of the financial romance with the ambulance. 对器械的信赖促进了财政传奇和救护车的相似。 33 、 The appearance of his glance makes my acquaintance lose his tolerance at the entrance of New Oriental School. 他那一眼的出现让我的熟人在新东方入口处失去了耐性。 34 、 The nuisance's ignorance gives us no assurance of our own endurance or importance. 那个可恶的无知使我们无法保证我们的耐性及重要性。 35 、 The distant substance advances under the circum stance with resistance and no assistance. 远方的物体在又有压力又没援助的环境下前进。 36 、 Our evident fence around the residence is our confidence of correspondent defence. 我们住宅周围明显的栅栏是我们相应防卫的信心。 37 、 The experience as audience gives us both conscience and obedience which will then lead to our patience instead of violence. 做听众的经验使得我们有了良心和顺从,这将让我们具备耐心而非暴力。 38 、 The absence of essence and reference has made the conference less important. 要点和参照的缺乏使得大会不那么重要了。 39 、 A scarce fierce bird can easily pierce a commercial boat with great force. 一只珍稀的猛禽能轻易地用力量穿透一只商船。 40 、 The reinforcement of sauce is the source of increasing divorce. 调味品的加强是离婚增加的源泉。 41 、 The production of deducing the inducement has been reduced after a newer introduction. 对说明进行演绎的产量在新的引进之后就减少了。 42 、 The spade has faded after being invaded by the parade. 铁铲在受到游行侵略后就退色了。 43 、 Superman has provided a chance to his girl of being a canning bide. The wedding was hold by a guide at the seaside. The crowed was divided into three sides in the uploming tide. What coincides is that the girl ran away. She rode a pride horse and sliode, then she slides with a glider made of hidden hide. 44 、 The code for the mode of electrodes has included explosion. 电焊条的准则就包含了爆破。 45 、 The magnitude of gratitude depends on both of its multitude and crude attitude. 感激的重要性主要取决于其数量及原始的态度。 46 、 The guarantee committee has foreseen the employee spending his life safely in the cafe. 担保委员会已预见到了雇员在咖啡馆里安度一生了。 47



