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United States Welcomes Chinese Tourists 美国欢迎中国游客 American Chamber of Commerce Travel Agency Briefing 美国商会旅行社签证说明 May 2008 2008年 5月 Agenda 议程 Group Tourism Memorandum of Understanding 团体旅游谅解备忘录 How to Book Appointments 如何预约 US Immigration Law 美国移民法 Tips for Successful Interviews 成功面签的有关建议 Questions and Answers 提问环节 Phase 1 Starting for travel after June 17th. Visa Appointments available starting June 1. Appointments requests will be accepted starting week of June 26. 自6月17日起中国公民可组团赴美旅游,6月1日开始签证申请,6月26日开始面签。 Will only include applicants from: Beijing, Tianjin, Hubei, Hebei, Hunan, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, or Guangdong Province. 申请签证的游客只能来自北京、天津、湖北、河北、湖南、上海、浙江、江苏、广东。 If the applicant’s currently valid passport is issued from one of the eligible 9 provinces, he or she may apply through the Group tourism channel. If they are not from one of these provinces they can not use this appointment channel. No exceptions. 如果申请签证的游客的护照是从以上九地签发,可从团体旅游通道申请签证。如果是从其他地方签发就不可使用此预约通道。没有例外。 What the new tourism MOU changes? 新的旅游谅解备忘录带来哪些变化? U.S. and Chinese travel agencies can now advertise US tours in China. 美国和中国的旅行社现在可以刊登赴美旅游广告。 Chinese travel agencies must now partner with US authorized tour operators for outbound US trips. 中国旅行社必须和被授权的美国地接社合作。 Created a new special appointment channel for booking group tourist interview appointments in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou starting June 1, 2008 for travel after June 17th. 自2008年6月1日起,为参加6月17日赴美首发团的团体游客在北京、上海、广州开辟新的特别约签通道。 Tour leaders can now enter the visa hall with tour groups from their agency for the visa interview. 旅游团领队现在可以进入签证处协助其团员进行面签。 What does not change with the MOU? 新的旅游谅解备忘录实施后哪些没变? Individual in person interviews, fingerprints, and visa fee payments are still required. 每个人都需要面签、需要留指纹的要求和签证费用不变。 If approved, applicants will be issued a 1 year, multiple entry, business and travel visa [B1/B2]. This means they can take multiple trips t


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