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摘 要 超声无损检测是在现代工业生产中应用的非常广泛的一种无损检测方法,它对于提高产品的质量和可靠性有着重要的意义。尽管随着电子技术的发展,国内出现了一些数字化的超声检测仪器,但其数据处理及扩展能力有限,缺乏足够的灵活性。而虚拟仪器是近年来刚刚发展起来的一种新的仪器构成方式,它是一种计算机技术、通讯技术和测量技术相结合的产物,具有很大的灵活性和扩展性,具有旺盛的生命力。因而本设计尝试将虚拟仪器技术和超声检测技术相结合,基于AT89C52 单片机开发的超声探伤仪智能系统的硬件组成、软件设计和抗干扰措施,以脉冲反射式超声探伤仪为代表研制完成一个良好的数字化的超声检测平台,该系统具有测量、数字显示、A/ D 转换等功能, 并具有工作稳定、性能好等优点。为以后进一步的更深入的超声数字信号处理研究打下了良好的基础。 关键词:无损检测 ;超声波探伤 ;AT89C52 ;虚拟仪器; LabVIEW Abstract As a kind of NDT(Non-Destructive Testing),UT (Ultrasonic Testing) is widely used in modern industry, which plays a very important role in improving the quality and the reliability of product. Although along with technical development in electronics, some digital UT instruments have been developed at home, its expand- ability and the ability of processing data limited. VI (Virtual Instru- ment) is a new Instrument structure developed recent years and is an outcome which combines the computer technique, the communication technique together with the measure technique, which has huge expandability, flexibility and the prosperous vitality. So a method of trying to conjoin the VI and the UT is brought out and a digital UT Device based on A type ultrasonic flaw detector has been made, the hardware composition , software design and anti2- interference measures of the intelligent ultrasonic flaw detector system based on AT89C52 monolithic unit are described. The system has accurate measurement , digit display , A/ D change , nd it has high steady function which will be help to the further research on ultrasonic digital signal processing in future. Keywords:NDT(Non-Destructive Testing);UT (Ultrasonic Testing) AT89C52; LabVIEW ;VI (Virtual Instrument) 目 录 摘 要 1 Abstract 2 目 录 4 第一章 绪论 6 设计的背景及意义 7 第二章 超声波及超声检测的原理 9 2.1超声波的基本性质 9 2.1.1超声波的速度及波长 9 2.1.2超声波的衰减 10 2.2超声换能器 11 2. 2.1超声换能器的定义及分类 11 2.2.2超声换能器的主要性能参数 12 2. 3超声波探伤的原理 13 2.3.1超声波探伤方法的分类 13 2.3.2脉冲反射式超声探伤仪的原理 14 第三章 系统硬件设计 18 3.1系统硬件整体结构框图 18 3.2单元电路 19 3.2.1 AT89C52单片机 19 3.2.2发射电路 21 3.2.3信号调理电路 23 3.2.4


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