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【标题】从场景看简爱,女权主义者 【作者】吴 娜 【关键词】简爱;场景;女性主义 【指导老师】沈 黎 【专业】英语 【正文】 I. Introduction Jane Eyre, a novel written by Charlotte Bronte, published in 1847. Charlotte Bronte created successfully a typical woman characters who has the courage to rebel and fight for freedom and equality. The heroine Jane Eyre, a penniless orphan and a plain girl, was to be taken care of by her aunt, the selfish and cold-hearted Ms. Reed of Gateshead Hall. Jane lived there for ten years in total neglect and harsh treatment. Jane was then sent to an orphanage at Lowood and, with her diligence, she was widely liked there, especially by Miss Temple, the mistress, who refused to take Miss Reed’s low estimate of Jane’s character. Jane was trained as a teacher at Lowood, which experience provided her with an opportunity to work as governess to Mr. Rochester’s young ward Adele at Thornfeild. In spite of her plainness, Rochester is Fascinated by her wit and courageous spirit, falls in love with her and proposed marriage; Jane, also in love with him, accepted the proposal. Their marriage is prevented at the last moment by the revelation that Rochester has a lunatic wife, kept in seclusion at Thornfield Hall. Jane flees from the Hall and is cared for by the Rev. St. John Rivers and his sisters, who were later revealed as her cousins. When St. John decided to go to India as a missionary, he asked Jane to go with him as his wife—not because he loved her, but because he admired her and wanted her assistance. When Jane was hesitating whether or not to receive the invitation, she dreamed Rochester calling her name one night. She rushed to Thornfield, only to find the house burnt in a fire by Mr. Rochester’ mad wife. She learnt from the local informants that Rochester lost his vision in an attempt to rescue his wife from the flames. Jane found Rochester and married him, and restored him to happiness. Two years later Rochester regained the vision of one eye, to see their first child. II. The Definition


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