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翻译100题: 和妹妹比起来,John is more shy in face of strangers. I could not believe 你会做出这样无耻的事来! With smile on his face , he 看着儿子帮助一位盲人老太太捡起手杖。 After the terrible interview, he felt that 考官们不会认真考虑他。 Sarah prefers to 读流行小说而不是经典名著。 According to the bad weather, people in this city 被劝告暂时不要出门。 When I’m out, 请别让炉子灭了。 夏天不仅很热,but also diseases are apt to happen. If you study hard,你就既不会考试不及格也不会让家人担心。 The wedding, 约翰至今回想起来仍充满幸福,was held in his beloved hometown. The strict father insist that 孩子应该迟早学会独立生活。 The generation was born in a time 当战争爆发和疾病流行时。 The rapid development of technology at that time 对现代工业产生了深远的影响。 After several years, the patient最终治好了癌症。 他已习惯了先听收音机再洗澡every night before sleep. The poor boy has not enough money for food, 更不用说买新衣服了。 不管老师是否教过,those English words should be memorized firmly in your head. He asked every passers-by he met in the street, 试图找到去博物馆的路。 The boy did not come to the English classes,他也没有来参加期末考试。 为了挣钱供养这个大家庭,Tom exhausted himself with hard work day and night. The more money one earns,就会变得越贪婪。 直到收到父母的信,he did not believe it at all. The housewife has been working all day long, 洗衣服,做饭和照顾小孩。 All summer long, despite 给花园浇水,砍柴,打水之外,Reuben kept to his homework. Though not being very busy, seldom 他来看他的父母。 Though the ice has been melted,但是只有当春天来了,树才会开始生长。 Only in the forest狮子才是万兽之王。 Learning a skill is difficult, but using the skill well perhaps比学技术要难十倍。 With dark trees all around and no light being seen,他发现自己已经迷路了。 Because there is no help from the others,关于要如何处理这类问题,他比平时更糊涂了。 Donna, 一个8岁就移居纽约的土生土长的洛杉矶女孩, is my best friend in school. If you had warned him of the danger ahead,他就不会犯这么大的错了。 Just because you are a child并不意味着你可以不为你犯下的错误承担责任。 For many people, 哪怕能找到好工作的希望很小is better than none. The more the bird struggled to free itself,灌木丛中的刺就越深地插进它的身体。 The boy took the harder way 而不是捷径, to realize his dream. 我记得有学生曾问过我这个问题,but I could not recall his/ her name. 虽然她在做家务上还有些困难,the girl can live all on her own. 老板正在考虑裁员的事,so every employee in the company is nervous all


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