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PAGE III 基于单片机遥控小车的设计 摘 要 随着电子业的发展,自动化已不再是一个新鲜的话题,无人驾驶的遥控小汽车也必将进入实用阶段,智能作为现代的新发明,是以后的发展方向,他可以按照预先设定的模式在一个环境里自动的运作,不需要人为的管理,可应用于科学勘探等等的用途。智能电动车就是其中的一个体现。本系统模拟基于51单片机的遥控小车的设计。89C51单片机是一款八位单片机,他的易用性和多功能性受到了广大使用者的好评。这里介绍的是如何用89C51单片机来实现无线遥控小车的毕业设计,该设计是结合实际应用而确定的设计类课题。本系统以设计题目的要求为目的,采用89C51单片机为控制核心,采用L298N对小车电机的控制,利用以PT2262/PT2272芯片的无线遥控模块装置,本次设计基于完备的软硬件系统,很好的实现了电动小汽车的前后行进,特定路径的行驶,以及停车。整个系统的电路结构简单,可靠性能高。实验测试结果满足要求,本文着重介绍了该系统的硬件设计方法及测试结果分析 关键词:单片机;无线控制技术;PWM调速;L298N;PT2262/2272。 The Design of Remote Control Car Based On MCU Abstract Along with the development of electronic, automation is not a fresh word any more, and no-man controlled cars will be realized. The new invention of modern intelligence, is a future of development, he can follow the pattern set in advance in an environment where automatic operation, no humans management, used in scientific exploration and so on. Smart electric car is one of expression. That system is based on the design of 51 MCU controlled car. 89C51 MCU is eight-figure microcontroller, which receives high praise from the users because of its easy use and versatility. This graduation design introduces how 89C51 MCU realize the remote control of the car, a combination of the practical application and design. This system designs for the purpose of the topic request, using 89C51 MCU as control core, the car motor control by L298N,and wireless remote control which chip PT2262/2272 device, with the electric car, driving, and the particular path park. The whole system of the circuit structure is simple and reliable. This paper introduces the hardware design method of the system and the analysis of the test results. Keyword: MCU; Wireless Remote Control; PWM speed adjusting;L298N;PT2262/2272 目 录  TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u  HYPERLINK \l _Toc260769130 1 前 言  PAGEREF _Toc260769130 \h 1  HYPERLINK \l _Toc260769131 2 方案设计与论证  PAGEREF _Toc260769131 \h 2  HYPERLINK \l _Toc260769132 2.1 直流调速系统  PAGEREF _Toc260769132 \h 2  HYPERLIN



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