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Urban Air Quality Management: Applications of Market-based Instruments 城市空气质量管理: 经济政策的分析和应用 Jian Xie The World Bank Better Air Quality in Asian and Pacific Rim Cities December 2002 Market failure – the free market does not lead to optimal allocation of resources and produce optimal welfare. 市场机制不能导致资源的有效配置,无法实现社会最优。 Main causes 市场失灵的主要原因: Externalities (pollution) 外部性 Lack of ownership 产权不明、无市场 Insufficient information 信息不对称 Monopoly 垄断 Therefore, policy interventions are necessary 因此,需要政府的政策干预。 Policy Failure 政策失灵 Many government policies that aim to correct market failure and increase welfare, however, may lead to a net loss 政策的使用不当导致问题没有得以解决甚至恶化 Forms of policy failure 具体形式有: Fail to intervene while necessary 该管的没管 Unnecessary intervention 不该管的瞎管 Wrong intervention 错上加错 Incomplete intervention 考虑不周 Main causes of policy failure 产生政策失灵的主要原因 Poor understanding of problems 对问题认识不足以至误导 Driven by non-economic or other interests 非经济的或其它利益驱动 Unforeseen, unprepared or under-estimated factors 未预见的、无准备的和低估的因素 Bad timing or out of date 政策实施时机不对或过时 Complex interactions of various policies 政策之间复杂的相互作用关系 Examples of Environmental Impacts of Sectoral Policies 部门政策的环境影响 Industrial composition and location 工业结构和布局政策 Energy pricing and clean fuels 能源价格 Public transit, transport planning and traffic management 公共交通、道路规划和交通管理 Road pricing, license fee, gasoline tax, parking fee 车价、牌照费、汽油价、停车费 Classification of Env Policy Instruments环境政策手段的分类 ? Command control measures (CAC) vs. market-based instruments (MBI) 行政命令-经济激励 ? Direct vs. indirect 直接-间接 ? Voluntary vs. involuntary 自愿-强制 ? Classification of World Bank’s publication “Five Years After Rio” 世行“里约后五年”一书中的分类(世界银行,1997) Command Control vs. Market Based行政命令 vs 经济激励 ? CC = directly decide pollution emissions and control efforts; e.g., emissions permits and standards 行政命令 = 直接决定污染控制,如许可证和标准 ? Market-based instruments = provide financial incentives of pollution control through price adjustments; e


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