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基于PLC的集气管压力控制系统设计 摘 要 监控组态软件是在信息化社会的大背景下,随着工业IT技术的不断发展而诞生、发展起来的。在整个工业自动化软件大家庭中,监控组态软件属于基础型工具平台。监控组态软件给工业自动化、信息化、及社会信息化带来的影响是深远的,它带动着整个社会生产、生活方式的变化,这种变化仍在继续发展DCS控制技术广泛应用于各种场所,尤其是在严重危害人体健康的恶劣环境中的应用,极大地提高了工作效率,解放了劳动力,随着PC机大众化和组态软件的普遍使用,组态技术发展迅速。 本次设计的研究内容为基于Fame View的集气管压力监控系统设计,该设计主要是解决鼓冷系统的集气管压力控制及解耦控制和与变频器系统联调。该设计的目的是通过使用组态软件制作实时显示操作界面,收集从下位机(PLC)上传的数据(如实时采集各种压力及温度等数据、PLC送来的报警信号及各执行部件的状态信号),对数据进行算术、逻辑处理后,通过图形、动画的方式显示压力曲线、温度曲线、工艺流程、系统运行参数、变频器的工作状态等信息,并通过该人机界面向PLC发送实时命令,及时控制现场设备。 ,LC,Fame View, Pressure Control System Design Based on PLC ABSTRACT Configuration software is born and developed with the continual development of the industrial IT technology in the background of the information society. In the industrial automation software family, configuration software is belongs to the based tool platform. Configuration software make a profound influence for industrial automation, information technology and social impact of information, and it led the entire social production, lifestyle changes, which continued to develop the DCS control technology widely used in various areas, especially in applications to the harsh environment which bring seriously harm to human health, it has greatly improved work efficiency, the liberation of labor, with the PC widespread used and configuration software, configuration technology is developing rapidly. The research design of the set of Fame View-based tracheal pressure monitoring system, designed mainly to resolve the drum of the cooling system header pressure control and decoupling control and transducer system accommodating.?The purpose of the design is that through the use of configuration software to make real-time display interface to collect from the lower position machine (PLC) to upload data (such as real-time acquisition of various pressure and temperature data, PLC sent the alarm signal and the implementation of components?state signal), after the data arithmetic and logic processing, through graphics, animation displayed


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