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轻松学日语之图文英语 Contents July 1 ~ 3 - 1 - July 5, 6 - 12 - July 7, 8 - 20 - July 9, 10 - 28 - July 12, 13 - 36 - July 14, 15 - 43 - July 16, 17 - 51 - July 19 - 58 - July 20, 21 - 62 - July 22 ~ 24 - 69 - July 26 - 79 - July 27 - 83 - July 28, 29 - 87 - July 30, 31 - 94 - July 1 ~ 3 Travel Mackinac Island 唯「马」独尊的岛屿 A place where horsepower takes on a new meaning Discover the history and horses of this small island in Michigan 一探密西根州小岛的历史及马匹 by Ruth Devlin Imagine a vacation where you can sit quietly on a big porch and look out over blue water. Imagine no loud engines or car horns interrupting that quiet. Instead, the clip-clop of horses’ hooves fills your ears. You’ll find that on Mackinac Island, Mich. Located in Lake Huron off the coast of northern Michigan, the 3.8-square-mile island is accessible only by boat or plane. Its location made it attractive first to Native Americans and then to Europeans. Missionaries and fur traders arrived in the 17th century. In time, British and then American soldiers were also posted here. In the 19th century, commercial fishermen used the island as a base. After the American Civil War (1861-1865), people wanted to escape the cities, and throngs of tourists found beauty and relaxation on Mackinac. The island became America’s second national park in 1875. But in 1895, the nation transferred it to Michigan, and Mackinac became Michigan’s first state park. In 1898, when the automobile age threatened to come to the island, the city council banned the “horseless carriage.” That policy allows the island to keep its 19th-century atmosphere. porch (n) 门廊,走廊 hoof (n) (牛或马等的)蹄 accessible (adj) 易接近的,可到达的 post (v) 派驻,驻扎 throng (n) 一大群 transfer (v) 过户,转让,转移 More Information Quite a few people stay on Mackinac Island during the winter. When the lake water freezes, people travel to the mainland by way of snowmobile. After Christmas, islanders drill a trail of holes in the ice and plant Christmas trees in them. That way, if a blizzard comes, people



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