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* * * * * Containers should meet shipping standards if they are to be used for transport Containers must be compatible with the chemicals in them Some chemicals such as acids corrode steel rapidly when mixed with small amounts of water Rust and dents decrease the integrity of the container, making it less likely to withstand physical stress Leaks should be patched or containers should be overpacked upon discovery of leaks. Hazardous materials container should be closed except when in used to minimize the potential for spill and reactions. Reused containers should be clean and have previous labels removed. Leaving past labels on the container results in confusion as to the identity of the materials. * Secure with chain/rack to prevent falling. When cylinders fall their valves may be sheared off which will result in a torpedo. Cylinders have been known to break through concrete block walls due to the pressure behind them. Always store cylinders securely, whether full or empty. * * * * Warning signs such as “Danger - Corrosive” or “Flammable storage – no smoking” should be posted to notify people in the area of potential hazards. Warning signs should be posted at points of storage (warehouses) and use (operations). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 2﹑应将受伤人员小心地从危险的环境转移到安全的地点。 3﹑应至少2~3人为一组集体行动,以便互相监护照应,所 用的救援器材必须是防爆的。? 4﹑急救处理程序化,可采取如下步骤:先除去伤病员污染 衣物------然后冲洗------共性处理------个性处理------转送 医院。? 5﹑处理污染物。要注意对伤员污染衣物的处理,防止发生 继发性损害。 对受到化学伤害的人员进行急救时,几项首先要做的紧急处 理是: 1﹑置神志不清的病员于侧位,防止气道梗阻,呼吸困难时 给予氧气吸入;呼吸停止时立即进行人工呼吸;心脏停 止 者立即进行胸外挤压法。? 2﹑皮肤污染时,脱去污染的衣服,用流动清水冲洗;头面 部灼伤时,要注意眼、耳、鼻、口腔的清洗。? 3﹑眼睛污染时,立即提起眼脸,用大量流动清水彻底冲洗 至少15分钟。? 4﹑当人员发生冻伤时,应迅速复温。复温的方法是采用 40℃ ~42℃恒温热水浸泡,使其在15~30分钟内温度提 高至接近正常。在对冻伤的部位进行轻柔按摩时,应注意不要将伤处的皮肤擦破,以防感染。? 一般急救原则 5﹑当人员发生烧伤时,应迅速将患者衣服脱去,用水冲洗 降温,用清洁布覆盖创伤面,避免伤面污染;不要任意 把水疱弄破。患者口渴时,可适量饮水或含盐饮料。 6﹑口服者,可根据物料性质,对症处理;有必要进行洗胃 7﹑经现场处理后,应迅速护送至医院救治。 口对口的人工呼吸及冲洗污染的皮 肤或眼睛 时要避免进一步受伤。 请注意 危险化学品的泄漏,容易发生中毒或转化为火灾爆炸事 故。因此泄漏处理要及时、得当,


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