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本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 跨国并购中国企业对行业的影响及对策分析 系(院) 管理工程系 年 级 05 专 业 公共事业管理 学生姓名 学 号 班级 指导教师 职 称 论文提交日期 跨国并购中国企业对行业的影响及对策分析 摘 要 近来美国可口可乐公司收购中国汇源果汁集团一事引发诸多争议。有人认为这是对国家经济安全的威胁,有人认为违反了反垄断法,环顾周遭世界,因并购引发的民族情绪和种种疑虑也时常可见,外资并购会不会形成行业垄断,会不会危及产业安全和经济安全?这也是我们每个中国企业需要思索的问题。外资并购中国企业对行业的影响是多方面的,既有积极作用也有消极作用。积极的方面有1.带来先进技术和管理经验,提高效率2. 提高了资源配置效率3. 开拓了部分产品的国际市场4. 能够吸纳一部分劳动力就业5. 有利于提高上市公司的质量。消极的作用有1. 导致垄断2. 冲击了国内市场3. 造成我国人才流失4. 会导致本国企业在国际分工中的依赖性5导致企业多年积攒下的无形资产流失6. 可能会削弱国家宏观调控力度会抑制国内企业家要素的积累和成长Countermeasures and Effect about Purchase of foreign investment to China Abstract Recently, It has caused a lot of controversy that Coca-Cola of the USA would purchase China Huiyuan Juice Group. Some people think that this is a threat to the security of the countrys economy, some people believe that a violation of the anti-monopoly law, if we look around the world, due to mergers and acquisitions triggered by a variety of national sentiment and concerns also can be seen from time to time, foreign mergers and acquisitions will not be able to form trade monopoly, will not be a danger to industry security and economic security? This is why we need to think about every Chinese enterprises issue. Foreign acquisitions of Chinese enterprises on the industry is multifaceted and the role of both positive and negative role. 1 positive aspects. Brought about by advanced technology and management experience, to improve the efficiency of 2. Improve the efficiency of resource allocation 3. Has opened up international markets for some products 4. Be able to absorb part of employment 5. Will help improve the quality of listed companies. The role of negative 1. Led to the monopoly 2. The impact of the domestic market 3. 4 caused a brain drain in our country. Will lead to their own enterprises in the international division of labor in the dependence of 5 years, leading to accumulation of intangible assets u


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