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甘肃工业职业技术学院 毕业设计 中小学网站建设 院 系:信 息 工 程 系 专 业:计算机应用技术 指导教师: 刘冬晖 班 级:计算机0631班 姓 名: 刘秀芳 2009年5月15日 摘 要 随着网络的高速发展,及教育体制改革的深入,通过网络自主学习与搜集信息,已经成为每个人所必须做的事情,特别是计算机知识,因其自身知识更新快的特点,通过网站进行自主学习无疑是最佳的选择。随着中小学校校园工程的展开,中小学信息化进程的逐步深入,专业信息技术老师的逐步充实,各中小学的校园网平台正在逐步发生可喜的变化,如从无到有、平台管理落实到人、教职员工信息技术培训正在逐步展开并得到落实;校园网是建构在多媒体技术和现代网络技术之上的为教学活动、科研活动、管理活动服务的并与因特网连接的校园内的局域网络环境,是一种教育科研网络。建好校园网,构建现代化教育环境,是教育现代化的重要内容,进入二十一世纪,全球信息化、网络化的时代正在到来,以现代化的教育手段取代旧的、传统的落后教学手段,实现教育资源共享是时代的需要,用好校园网,是实现教育现代化的需要。 本课题主要运用dreamweaver与photoshop整合的开发技术,实现了学校的信息、学校概况、教学科研、心理健康、校园新闻、家长中心、学生频道、注册、留言等功能。 关键字:Dreamweaver,photoshop,校园网站 Abstract With the rapid development of network and in-depth reform of the education system, through the network of self-study and collected information has become necessary for everyone to do, especially in computer knowledge, quick to update their own knowledge of the characteristics of their own through the website learning is undoubtedly the best option. Primary and secondary schools with school projects, the primary and secondary information in depth step-by-step process, information technology teacher professional step-by-step enrichment, the primary and secondary schools of the campus network platform is a welcome change occurred gradually, such as from scratch and implement the platform management people, information technology staff training and are gradually being implemented; campus network is based on modern network technology and multimedia technology for teaching and learning activities, research activities, management activities and services connected to the Internet within the campus LAN environment It is a network of education and scientific research. Built campus network, build a modern educational environment is an important aspect of modern education into the twenty-first century, the global information network era is coming to the modernization of the means of education to replace the old, traditional means of teaching behind to achieve shari


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