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摘 要 电力电缆在电力系统中应用越来越广泛,实现电缆的安全、可靠和经济运行对保证电力系统的安全性和经济性具有十分重要的意义。在电缆运行过程中,电缆线路发生电气故障前都会引起电缆或附件局部温度的上升,从而导致绝缘进一步破坏直至击穿。基于分布式光纤温度传感技术(DTS,Distributed temperature sensoring)实现电缆沿线表皮温度监测,通过分析电缆温度场与动态载流量能及早发现电缆运行存在的安全隐患,起到防患于未然的作用。 本文则对电力电缆在线监测系统展开研究与设计,首先对电力电缆监测系统的研究意义和本文选题背景进行分析,并充分结合国内外此课题的研究现状进行综述,对本文研究内容进行简单的介绍电力电缆监测,首先阐述本系统的监测任务,对DTS和载流量进行分析计算,对分布式光纤温度传感技术进行介绍,分析电力电缆的结构,采用热路模型对电力电缆载流量进行详细计算,分析电缆故障在线监测方法局放监测技术系统结构设计,首先介绍系统设计原则和依据,对系统功能进行介绍,对系统硬件、软件进行详细设计,设计分析数据库系统系统核心功能,首先分析系统开发工具和运行环境,对系统软件结构进行设计,对数据接收模块进行设计和实现,对数据处理模块进行设计和实现,对系统状态显示进行分析,实现对数据的监视,实现数据报表以及数据库的设计,实现报警设置和响应,实现事件日志用户管理以及系统配置的设计 ABSTRACT Power cables in the power system used more and more widely, realize the security and reliability of cable and economic operation of the power system to ensure safety and economic behavior has the very vital significance. In the cable running processes, cable line happened before electrical fault can cause cable or accessories local temperature rise, resulting in further damage insulation until the breakdown. Based on the Distributed optical fiber temperature sensor technology (DTS, Distributed temperature sensoring) realize cable skin temperature monitoring along, through the analysis of the temperature field and dynamic cable carrying capacity detected early cable running the safe hidden trouble that exist, have the function of the nip in the bud. This paper is on-line monitoring system of power cable launched research and design, first of power cable monitoring system the research significance and choose a background in this paper are analyzed, and fully in the subject both at home and abroad were reviewed the current situation of the study, this paper the research content of the simple introduction; Then the power cable monitoring the related theory were reviewed in this paper, firstly this system monitoring task, DTS and load flow analysis and calculation, the distributed optical fiber temperature sensing technology are introduced, analyzes the structure of the power


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