毕业论文:基于 J2ME的手机炸弹人游戏的开发-毕业设计论文(终稿).doc

毕业论文:基于 J2ME的手机炸弹人游戏的开发-毕业设计论文(终稿).doc

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炸弹人游戏在手机上的实现 专 业:软件工程学 号:8000103337 学生姓名:蔡剑 文 指导教师:万 立 中 摘 要 J2ME虚拟机在手机上的普及为手机游戏的发展提供了最适合的土壤,随后MIDP2.0的发布,特别是其中新增的GameAPI使得手机游戏开发者可以更专注于游戏性的增强而不再是繁琐的动画处理与地图设计,让开发过程变得更加方便迅捷,它是手机游戏发展的重要里程碑。 本文完整地描述了如何在Eclipse平台应用J2ME技术,特别是MIDP2.0中新增加的GameAPI在手机上实现一个炸弹人游戏(原型为网游《泡泡堂》),核心在于其游戏引擎的构建。其中涉及到的技术有Midlet框架、游戏状态机、线程、精灵、地图、关卡、程序优化及兼容性设计等。 第一章介绍了J2ME游戏背景,及对论文中术语的约定; 第二章介绍了本游戏的开发平台及要使用的主要技术; 第三章对游戏进行了简单的需求分析; 第四章是游戏的具体实现,并描述一些关键性技术; 第五章是对整个过程的总结,讲述心得与感想。 关键字:J2ME;MIDP2.0;GameAPI;Eclipse;手机游戏;炸弹人;泡泡堂 - I -炸弹人游戏在手机上的实现 Implementation of J2ME-Based Game: Bomber Abstract Widespread use of KVM on the mobile phone increases the speed of mobile game development. With the release of MIDP 2.0, especially the newly added GameAPI, game developer can concentrate on the enhance of game performance, freeing themselves of animation making and game map design. Game development becomes rapid and more and more convenient. MIDP 2.0 is the milestone of mobile game development. The thesis introduces the technology of J2ME based on the integrated development environment of Eclipse. It is mainly about the implementation of a game—bomber (The Chinese online game, PopTang, is its prototype). The core of the thesis focuses on the game engine construction. The technology concerned includes the MIDlet class, thread, sprite, game map, levels, the optimization of the game and its compatibility, etc. The First chapter is the introduction of game background and the terms used in the thesis; The second chapter is about the integrated development environment and the mainly used technology; The third chapter illustrate the demand analysis briefly; The fourth chapter is the concrete implementation of the game and the decription of some key technology used in the game. And the fifth chapter is the summary and what I have learned from the game development. Keywords: J2ME;MIDP2.0;GameAPI;Eclipse;Mobile Games;Bomber;Poptang - I -炸弹人游戏在手机上的实现 目录 摘 要......................................................


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