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摘 要 PLC具有可靠性高,维护方便,开发周期短,与各种逻辑开关控制很好地结合,易于实现了对电梯控制的特性。论文基于此,采用三菱FX2N-128对五层楼梯控制系统进行设计。首先,在对电梯结构和工作原理做详细了解后,分析现代电梯要达到的控制要求,制定电梯控制系统硬件设计方案,方案包括电梯层门、轿厢及其主电路的设计。然后分析电梯系统的整体工作流程,分配PLC的I/O和根据工作流程制定层序,层序设计包括(开/关门控制,外呼信号的登记与消除,楼层信号的显示,电梯箱内选择停层与显示及电梯的定向、起步运行,制动)。最后用三菱模拟仿真软件仿真,科学的证明制定的设计方案可行。通过这次毕业设计,在提高理论知识的同时,增强了在分析,处理和解决实际问题的能力。并且促进了对电梯较系统的认识。 关键词:五层电梯; PLC; 控制系统 PLC has high reliability, easy maintenance, short development cycle, with a variety of well integrated switch control logic, easy to implement features of elevator control. Based on this thesis, the Mitsubishi FX2N-128 has been used to five stairs control system designer. First, the elevator in the structure and working principle of a detailed understanding, of the modern elevator control requirements to be achieved, development of the elevator control system hardware design, the program includes the elevator floor door, car and its main circuit. Then analyze the overall elevator system workflow, distribution of PLCs I/O and developed according to the workflow sequence, sequence design includes (open / close control, outbound registration and elimination of the signal, signal display floor, the elevator box choice stop layer and the display and lift the orientation, start running, braking).Finally, the Mitsubishi simulation software simulation, scientific proof of the design is feasible to develop. With this graduation project, in improving the theoretical knowledge, enhance the analysis, processing, and solve practical problems, and promoted a more systematic understanding of the elevator. Keywords:1. 绪论 1 1.1 课题的研究背景及意义 1 1.2 电梯的国内外发展状况 2 1.3 PLC在电梯控制中的应用以及发展前景 3 1.4 课题研究的内容 4 2. 电梯的结构 5 2.1 电梯的结构 5 2.2 电梯的工作原理 6 3. 电梯控制系统的硬件设计 7 3.1 电梯控制的要求 7 3.1.1 电梯轿箱的控制要求 7 3.1.2 电梯门的控制要求 7 3.2 电梯模型结构 7 3.2.1 电梯层门 7 3.2.2 电梯轿厢内控制 8 3.3 主电路的设计 8 3.3.1 拖动电机电路的设计 8 3.3.2 门电机电路的设计 9 3.4 变频器调速 9 3.4.1 变频器的结构和变频调速的特点 9 3.4.2 变频调速的特点 10 3.4.3 变频器的选型 10 4. 电梯PLC控制系统的设计 10 4.1 PLC单台电梯控制系统的工作流程 10 4.2 PLC I/O地址分配 11 4.2.1 输入/输出信号的确定



