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世界科技研究与发展 2005 2 1 1 2 ( 1. , 100080; 2. , 100094) : 科技经费和科技人力资源投入是影响国内生产总值( GDP) 增长的重要因素本文选取 国和中国1978~ 2002 年应用研究与试验发展经费从事研究与开发活动的科学家和工程师人数两 个投入指标, 结合对应年份的GDP 值, 试图通过建立相应的计量模型, 探讨三者之间的关系, 并分 析科技基本投入对GDP 的影响 : 研究与发展 科学家和工程师 国内生产总值 相关系数 回归分析 Correlation Analyses of the Impactions of S&T Basic Inputs to Gross Domestic Product 1 1 2 PENG Haoshu WANG ongli DENG Xinan (1.Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080; 2. College of Humanities and Development, China Agricultural University,Beijing 100094) Abstract:S & Tf unds and p ersonnel are tw o mainf actors of the imp acts on Gross Domestic Product ( GDP) . Through using three statistical index es, including thef unds of app lied and develop mental research ( A DR & D ) , scientists and engineers engaged in Research and Develop ment ( R & D ) , and GDP , all those time ser iesf rom 1978 to 2002, this p ap er, y taking USA and M ainland China as ex amp les, constr ucts correlation and regression models , analyses the correlations etw een the tw o inp uts resp ectively and GDP . Key words: research and develop ment ( R & D ) , scientists and engineers, gross domestic p roduct ( GDP) , coef f icient of correlation, regression analysis , ( GDP 7% ~ 10% ) , 1 , [ 1] , 86 Vol. 27 No. 1 ww w . glo esci. com 2005 2 世界科技研究与发展


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