
王永毕业论文 粮仓环境参量无线遥测系统设计与实现.doc

王永毕业论文 粮仓环境参量无线遥测系统设计与实现.doc

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学号: 24082201930 南湖学院 毕业设计(论文) 题 目: 粮仓环境参量无线遥测系统 设计与实现 作 者 王永 届 别 2008 系 别 机械与电子工程系 专 业 电子信息工程 指导老师 杨宣兵 职 称 讲师 完成时间 2012.05.15 摘 要 在现代工业生产活动中,温度作为一种可以实际测量的重要参数,能起到对设备运行状态、生产环境等外界因素进行实时监控的作用,以保证整个生产活动高效开展,因此准确且实用的温度数据采集系统具有举足轻重的作用。然而,生产环境的多变性、不确定性,导致许多工作场所不太方便布线,需要采用无线传输方式。 介绍了基于温度传感器DS18B20和无线收发模块nRF905的无线温度采集系统下位机的设计和实现方法,,本系统是通过单片机来实现对周围环境的温度进行测量和无线传输。他是以MSP430F449单片机为控制单元,一温度传感器DS18B20为温度采集器件,以无线收发模块nRF905完成数据的无线传输,用数码管进行显示,实现温度的测量、无线传输、显示以及报警,就是一套通过无线方式实现温度的远程采集的完整系统。 关键词:温度;NRF905;无线遥测 Abstract In modern production and life, temperature is an important parameter in many occasions. Inmany places, it is necessary to monitor the temperature parameter and making relevantprocessing so that the system runs in the best state. Therefore, it is significant to develop areliable and practical temperature monitoring system. With the rapid development of wirelesstransmission technology,short range wireless transmission technology has been widely appliedto many places where wiring is not available, offering great conveniences for people. Based on DS18B20 temperaturesensor and wireless transceiver module nRF905wireless temperature acquisition system. The machine design and the realization method, the system, through the MCU to achieve the ambient temperature measuring and wireless transmission. He is MSP430F449 SCM as a control unit, a temperature sensor DS18B20temperature acquisition device, the wireless transceiver module nRF905to complete data wireless transmission, digital tube display, temperature measurement, wireless transmission, display and alarm, is a through wireless mode to realize the temperature remote acquisition system. Key words: Temperature ; nRF905 Radio Frequency chip; WirelessTransmission 目 录 1 绪 论.............................................................................................................................1 1.1 引言................................................................


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