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年产250万吨炼钢生铁的高炉炼铁车间工艺设计 专 业:冶金工程 学 生:杨鹏程 指导老师:王启铭 设计总说明 本初设计年产250万吨生铁的高炉炼铁车间工艺,高炉有效容积为3500m3。在经过翻阅大量相关资料的基础上进行设计的。设计内容主要包括八大部分:矿焦槽系统设计、高炉本体设计、鼓风机选型设计、热风炉工艺计算设计、煤气除尘及净化系统设计、出铁厂设计、喷煤系统设计、除尘系统设计。焦槽、矿槽合并设置,烧结矿、球团矿、生矿分散筛分、分散称量,焦炭分散筛分、集中称量,设置小焦块回收系统;高炉炉顶采用无料钟炉顶设备,设置两个铁口,无渣口及32个风口;出铁厂风口平台平坦化,配备泥泡、开口机等设备;采用四座内燃式热风炉,设计风温为1100℃,热风炉的燃烧为高炉煤气;采用重力除尘器对煤气进行粗除尘,采用干法布袋除尘设施净化煤气;炉渣处理采用冲水渣工艺,成品水渣渣采用胶带机外运;喷煤系统采用并列罐喷吹主管直接喷吹,输送和喷吹介质采用压缩空气。本设计特点是采用了精料入炉,提高了了原料入炉品位。煤气采用干法布袋除尘,节电、省水,同时能得到高质量的煤气。采用新型全底虑法水冲渣工艺,流程短,投资少,可靠安全。本设计附有三张图纸:高炉砌砖图、热风炉砌筑按图、高炉车间平面工艺布置图。 关键词:高炉,热风炉,喷煤,除尘 Annual output of 9.0million of pig iorn blast furnace plant process Professional: METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING Student: YANG Pengcheng Instructor: WANG Qiming Abstract The initial design of an annual output of 9.0 million tons of pig iron in blast furnace plant process,Effective volume of 3005m3 blast furnace.After reading in a lot of relevant information based on.Design elements include eight most:Ore Groove System,,Design of blast furnace body,Blower Type Design,Stove Design Process Calculation,Dust and gas cleaning system,The Iron Design,PCI System Design,Coke channel, mine shafts in combination,Sintered ore, pellets, ore scattered sifting, weighing scattered, dispersed coke sieving, weighing focus,Set small coke recovery system block,Furnace top with bell-less top equipment,Set of two iron mouth, no residue, and 28 outlet port,Flattening out of Iron outlet platform, with mud bubble, opening machines and other equipment,With four internal combustion hot stove, the design air temperature is 1100 ℃, for the blast furnace gas combustion stovBy flush slag slag treatment process, finished product of water fluxes using tape machine Sinotranse,Of gravity for coarse dust filter on the gas used to dry cleaning facilities, gas bag filter,Coal injection system uses direct injection parallel can charge injection, transport and injection medium using compressed air.This de


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