
《印染毕业设计 印染废水处理工艺设计》.doc

《印染毕业设计 印染废水处理工艺设计》.doc

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印染废水处理工艺设计 摘 要 水解酸化———生物接触氧化联合处理工艺处理高浓度纺织,是被实践证明了的切实可行的方法。该工艺与常规的纺织印染废水处理工艺相比,占地面积小,操作费用低,运行稳定。此外,由于生物膜附着在填料上,在沉淀池中污泥沉淀量少,能较好地去除废水中的有机污染物,处理后的出水水质能稳定地达到国家一级排放标准。综述了印染废水治理技术研究现状,介绍了各方法的特点及其在印染废水处理中的应用,为印染废水处理方法的选择提供了有价值的依据。针对生物技术在印染废水处理工艺中的应用,分别从好氧、厌氧和好氧—厌氧三个方面进行了阐述,并列举了目前这三类生物处理技术的一些最新发展工艺。对全国印染行业的废水排放情况进行分析总结,在此基础上提出合理的治理工艺,通过混凝沉淀、酸化水解、好氧生化等工艺进行治理,出水水质稳定达到国家《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》(GB 4287-1992)一级标准。结合实例分析治理工艺的可行性及应用推广,提出了完善该工艺的前景。印染废水水解酸化Hydrolysis acidification-biological contact oxidation process is applied to treat textile-dyeing wastewater,This process is proved to be one of the new water treatment processes.The performance is stable,and its operation cost and used field area is less than that of conventional treatment process.Besides,due to the food chains of the biofilm attached on the carrier,there is no sludge settled in final setting tank.This process is proved to be effective for organic pollutant removal,and the effluent quality ,This paper reviews the current status of researches on dye wastewater treating technology,introduces the features of various dye wastewater treating methods and their applications,and provides valued reference for choosing dye wastewater treatment method. The application of biotechnology to the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater in three aspects:Aerobic process,anaerobic process and aerobic-anaerobic process are illustrated. The wastewater release of the national printing and dyeing industry was en studied,then a suitable disposal technics was brought forward.Through the coagulation and deposition,acidification and hydrolysis,aerobic biochemical treatment,the(released) water steadily meets the first grade of the waste release standard(GB 4287-1992) of national fabric dyeing industry.Based on the example,the possibility and application magnification of disposal was analyzed,and the perfect prospect of the(technics) was forecaste Keywords Hydrolysis; acidificatio 目 录 1 绪 论 1 2 印染废水概述 2 2.1废水理化性质 2 2.2废水水质分类 3 2.3 废水常规处理工


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