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These have been vetted with multiple customers. Test your customer’s sensitivity to each of these challenges. Compute / storage / power maximum density in their IT environment is a key customer requirement Cost, including both lower cost of operation and the ability to “pay as you grow” instead of paying to build capacity for the future (typically a brick-and-mortar data center is built for future maximum capacity, and is not immediately filled with IT) Much faster time of deployment, and the flexibility to deploy worldwide Autonomy, and ability to operate a lights-out environment so local support is not a requirement Reliability: While our container is designed as a Tier I / Tier II data center environment, it is possible to configure the container with redundant power and cooling etc. feeds to increase container resiliency at the expense of container capacity. Some customers will request maximum capacity and thus less redundancy, others will choose to balance additional redundancy. 600kW+ 27 kW 每机架 22 个 50U 机架 (1100U IT计算空间) 高达3,520 节点 多至12,320 HDD 冷却水散热 防火与烟雾警报 使用工业标准机架,支持第三方IT 设备 36”cold aisle provides the same level of IT serviceability that our customers would find in their data centers. There is enough room to remove and replace IT gear. The cold aisle can be set to run at 90 degrees Fahrenheit – well within the specifications of industry standard IT equipment. This saves energy needed to cool the POD. Since this isn’t meant to be a workspace, people shouldn’t spend too much time in here. The customer can choose a lower temperature if they like. 50U racks allows for up to 5 c7000 blade enclosure per rack. The hot aisle is 17” wide. Rear rack access is provide by several sets of double doors on the hot aisle. * BRU_ * Having said that though, metrics on resource utilisation levels within data centers globally is tragically low. This slide references a study done by the Uptime Institute (on behalf of McKinseys) to determine how well resources are bein
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