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湖 南 科 技 大 学 毕 业 设 计( 论 文 ) 题目 基于PLC的电梯控制系统设计 作者 何x 学院 信息与电气工程学院 专业 电气工程及其自动化 学号x 指导教师 xxx 二〇一一 年 月 日 摘 要 当今世界,电梯的生产情况和使用数量已成为衡量一个国家现代化程度的标志之一。随着城市人口的不断提高,人们物质文化生活水平的提高,建筑业不断的发展,已是高楼林立,电梯在人们的生产、生活、工作中日益重要。因此电梯的研究也越来越重要。 电梯在高层建筑中被广泛运用作垂直运输工具。PLC积分控制器为核心的数字控制系统。其中,PLC由于编程简单、使用维护方便、设计和调试周期短、抗干扰能力强、可靠性高等优点,倍受人们重视,被广泛应用在电梯控制系统中。 本文主要分析了电梯的主要结构以及控制要求,对电梯控制的硬件进行相应的选择,又对电梯的PLC软件进行设计,以此完成基于PLC的电梯控制设计。 关键词:电梯控制;PLC;三相异步交流电机 ABSTRACT Today, the number of elevator production and use has become the measure of the degree of modernization of a country one of the symbols. With the continuous improvement of the urban population, peoples material and cultural living standards, the construction industry continues to develop, has the tall buildings, elevators in peoples production and living and working in the increasingly important. Therefore, the elevator research is increasingly important. Elevator is widely applied as vertical survey application in the high-rise building. People on the elevator safety, efficiency, comfort the constant pursuit of technological progress to promote the elevator. Lift the quality of good or bad depends largely on its control system. At present, the elevator control system has largely eliminated the traditional relay control mode. Integral controller based on PLC is the core digital control system. PLC, which has advantage of simple and easy to use and easy maintenance, design and debug cycle is short, anti-interference ability, high reliability, is widely used in elevator control system. This paper analyzes the main structure of the elevator and the control requirements of the elevator and makes the appropriate choice of elevator control hardware, but also on the elevator PLC software design, thereby completing the elevator PLC-based control design. Keywords:Elevator; PLC; Three-phase Asynchronous Electric Motors 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 论文的研究背景及意义 1 1.2 电梯继电器控制系统的特点及存在问题 2 1.2.1电梯继电器控制系统的优点 2 1.2.2电梯继电器控制的缺点 2 1.3 PLC及在电梯控制中的应用特点


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