ForteBio’s Octet System生物分子相互作用分析.pdfVIP

ForteBio’s Octet System生物分子相互作用分析.pdf

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ForteBio’s Octet System生物分子相互作用分析.pdf

ForteBio’s Octet System Label-free,real-time detection of molecular interactions 专利 BLI 技术 Octet 蛋白质相互作用工作站 Bio-layer Interferometry Label-free detection 无需标记 Real-time analysis 实时检测 Simple and fast 简单快速 Automated 全自动操作 和数据分析 Crude Sample compatibility 可以直接使用 原始粗样品 美国 ForteBio 公司生产 冷泉港生物科技股份有限公司独家代理 Octet Systems Solve Critical Issues —— Octet 客户的观点 Increase Screening Throughput 3X A small biotech company needed to increase its screening throughput to accommodate three screenings of 1200 antibodies per year. Buying additional SPR Improve Capital Efficiency systems was not an option, nor was hiring additional personnel. A single Octet System gave the company the A startup biotech needed to characterize humanized yeast screening capacity it needed to meet the challenge. proteins without making a large capital investment. 在我们的实验室只需要一台Octet就可以满足对文库 Outsourcing protein kinetics analyses was costly and 的各种筛选工作 required time-consuming purification steps. Investing in an “The Octet System gave us the capacity to handle Octet System enabled the company to run crude samples multiple screenings of our library with one instrument in quickly, in its own lab, eliminating both outsourcing costs our own lab.” — Screening Lab Manager and the time required for sample purification. 我们没有Octet之前,蛋白质动力学分析是花费最大的项 目,有



