Charge-Pump Phase-Lock Loops 电荷泵锁相环介绍.pdf

Charge-Pump Phase-Lock Loops 电荷泵锁相环介绍.pdf

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Charge-Pump Phase-Lock Loops 电荷泵锁相环介绍.pdf

1849 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS,VOL. COM-28, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 1980 Charge-Pump Phase-Lock Loops FLOYD M. GARDNER, FELLOW, IEEE PHASE/FREENCY Abstract-Phaselfrequency detectors deliver output in the form of . . DETECTOR three-state, digital logic. Charge pumps areutilized to convertthe REFERENCE.=- timed logiclevels into analog quantitiesforcontrollingthelocked INPUT ei CHARGE LOOP oscillators.Thispaper analyzestypicalcharge-pumpcircuits, PUMP FILTER D- identifies salient features, and provides equations and graphs for the ,--v design engineer. 8 e = e i - e o I. INTRODUCTION HASE-LOCK loops (PLL‘s) incorporating sequential-logic, Pphaselfrequency detectors (PFD’s) have been widely used in recent years [11-[SI, [6, ch. 61 .Reasons for their popular- ity include extended tracking range, frequency-aided acquisi- tion, andlow cost. Acharge pump usually accompaniesthe PFD, Filters are frequently added after the chargepump to



