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网考英语作文(1)1. 在日常生活中,因特网起着越来越重要的作用。请根据下表所给提示为某英文报写一篇题为On the Internet的征文稿。 因特网的主要用途 信息看国内外新闻、获取其他信息 通讯发e-mail、打电话 学习上网上学校、阅读各种书籍、自学外语 娱乐欣赏音乐、观看体育比赛、玩棋牌游戏 生活购物 注意: 1. 征文稿必须包括表内所有信息,行文连贯通顺;2. 词数100-120词; 3. 标题已给出,不计入总词数。 On the Internet ??? The Internet is playing a more and more important part in our daily life. (2分)On the net, we can learn news both at home and abroad and all kinds of other information as well. (4分)We can also send messages by e-mail, make phone calls(4分), go to net school, read various kinds of books and learn foreign languages by ourselves. (4分)Besides, we can enjoy music, watch sports matches and play chess or cards. (4分)On the net, we can even do shopping, have a chat with others and make friends with them. (4分)In a word, the internet has made our life more colorful.2.广告与现代生活 [题目要求] 请根据以下提供的要点写一篇议论文,阐述一下广告业已经成为当今社会很重要的一种行业,字数在100词左右。 (1)?? 生活中充斥着各种各样的广告,广播、电视及电脑使广告成为我们日常生活中一个重要部分。 (2)?? 广告不仅能促销,还能提供我们需要的各种最新消息。 (3)?? 广告行业还创造了很多的就业机会。 Advertisements in Our Life ??? [1]We live in a world of advertisements. We see and hear them everywhere. No one can avoid being influenced by advertisements. Radio,television and computers have made it possible for advertisements to attract attention of millions of people. Therefore, it has become an important part of our daily life. ??? [2]On one hand, advertising greatly promotes sales; on the other hand, in their efforts to tell people about products and events, advertisements provide us with a large amount of the latest information. Meanwhile, to make an advertisement, a lot of people will have to work together. So with the development of advertising a lot of jobs are being created. ??? [3]In a word, advertising is an important business. 3.北京奥运 [题目要求] 假如你是李华,你的美国朋友David来信询问有关北京为迎接2008年奥运会而进行的城市美化工作的情况。请你根据下表的内容用英语写一封短信,并欢迎他届时来北京。 The Beijing Olympic Games Dear David, ??? [1]How nice to hear from you again. Now let me tell you something about the beautifying work being done in Beijing for the 2008 Olympic Games. Ou


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