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教学分析 1.教学内容分析 本课是七年级上册第四单元的课程,在本单元要谈论物品的位置,学会介词on、in、 under、behind以及人称代词they的用法。 2.教学对象分析 学生刚进入初中,提高他们的积极性非常重要,利用图片创设语境非常重要。 一、导入 复习旧课内容课,导入新课。展示课题 二、学习新单词  教新单词:通过呈现物品的图片教学生新单词,使学生更直观掌握生词。课件展示 Tape script A: Where are my books? B: They are on the sofa. A: How about my pencil case and my baseball? B: They are in your backpack. A:OK. And where’s my computer game? B: Your computer game? It’s under your bed. A: Great! Now, Where are my keys? B: Oh, they are on the dresser. Group work. Decorate the room for Tommy. Make a report. If your room is tidy? 70-100分:every tidy 40-60分:a little tidy 0-30分:untidy Homework Write at least 8 sentences to describe your bedroom to your friends. 用至少八句话向你的朋友描述你的卧室。 Useful expressions need 需要 bring 指向着说话人所在处移动或向着有关行动地点发生的方向移动。 Bring it here.(把它带来 ) take 指离开指定地点的移动。 Take it there.(把它带 到那里去) Homework Make up your conversations:(编对话) A : Where are my …s? B : I don’t know. Are they …? A : No, they’re not./Yes, they are. Task1 我猜猜猜 In the room,some things are in it. They are a video cassette an alarm clock ,a comuputer game and math book .Can you guess where they are? Is the…? keys books cup pencil-case backpack Picture 2 Picture 1 It’s on the table. It’s under the table. It’s on the tea table. It’s in the backpack. There is no cup. It’s on the table. They are on the bed. They are on the sofa. There are no keys. They are on the dresser. Find the difference 1.两人一组,A只看19页图画,B只看21页图画。图片中有一些相同的东西,但他们所存放的地点不一样。找出不同点。 2.两人轮流问物品所在位置,并记下不同完成表格。 3向其他同学汇报自己所获得的信息。 Homework 观察你自己房间里物品的放置情况,练习使用in,on,under 等介词,并用英语写成小短文。 period3 (Section B 1a-2b ) Tommy’s room CD ruler notebook video cassette math book Listen again.Where are Tommy’s things? Write notes. The math book is on the dresser. The ruler is The notebook is The CDs are The video cassette is under the bed. on the bed. on the bookcase. on the table. Tommy’s room 10 on the desk/bo


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