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任鹏托福听力词汇精选 1. collapse 2.blame 3.overcharge 4.absent minded 5. face to face 6.let out 7. subscribe 8.signature 9. light up 10.for sale 11.frosting 12.leniency 13.bulldozer 14. call on 15.wear and tear 16. dig up 17.make fun of (laugh at) 18 rating 19 help 20 in sb抯 shoes 21 keep 22 outright 23 investigate(research) 24 approve (agree) 25 food for thought 26 brilliant 27 nothing short of (nothing less than) 28 dedicate 29 excuse 30 scratch the surface 31 bear up 32 hit the spot 33 And how! 34 free 35 substitute 36 whatsoever 37 cross out 38 break new ground 39 self-conscious 40 bed spread (bed cover) 41 original(ly) 42 count sb.out 43 lawn (grass) 44 illegal 45 upset 46 wear out 47 take in 48 likely 49 demolish 50 drag one抯 feet 51 do 52 stay up 53 call off 54 get at 55 get used to 56 around the clock 57 be in the works 58 instruction (direction) 59 dismantle 60 pack away 61 component 62 as fit as a fiddle 63 rub somebody the wrong way 64 meddle in (interfere in) 65 under no circumstances 66 swing 67 pal 68 pedal 69 step up 70 insult 71 dominate 72 draw the line 73 populate 74 remark 75 irrelevant 76 upset 77 be backed up 78 responsibility 79 take advantage of 80 assemble 81 identification 82 tell apart 83 burn up 84 glance through 85 thoughtful 86 sincere 87 genuine 88 end up 89 reserve (book) 90 informative 91 overlook 92 in a million 93 All I got was a sore foot. 94 out of order 95 break up 96 in memory of 97 slate 98 run down 99 stimulating 100 few and far between 101 supervise 102 trip 103 due to 104 amplifier 105 appoint 106 contest 107 run around 108 out of this world 109 run for 110 be through 111 in the event that 112 recommend (suggest) 113 be incapable of 114 look sb. in the eye 115 anyway 116 flying colors 117 little by little 118 suitable (appropriate) 119 proceed 120 punctual 121 courage 122 short handed 123 come into 124 generous


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