试车讲座05 预试车.ppt

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试车讲座05 预试车.ppt

流程工业建设项目的试车 第五章 预试车 李 达 daliopcw@ 2012,4 Precommissioning 预试车 IEC 62337 的定义: Phase during which the activities of non-operating adjustments, cold alignment checks, cleaning, and testing of machinery take place. 一个阶段,其间的工作内容是非运行性调整、冷态对中检查、清洗和动设备试验。 (是一个过程) Process Plant Engineering Activity Model 英国流程工业协会PPEAM 的定义: Test the individual items of equipment before inert or process fluids are introduced. 在惰性或工艺流体引入前,对每一单件设备实施试验。 Mechanical Completion 机械竣工 IEC 62337 的定义: Milestone which is achieved when the plant, or any part thereof, has been erected and tested in accordance with drawings, specifications, instructions, and applicable codes and regulations to the extent necessary to permit cold commissioning. This includes completion of all necessary electrical and instrumentation work. This is a milestone marking the end of the precommissioning activities. 里程碑事件,在此时间点,装置或其中的某一部分已按相关的图纸、规定、说明及适用的标准和规范的要求安装结束并通过试验达到了允许冷试车(联动试车)的必备要求。它包括所有必需的电气及仪表工作已全部完成。此里程碑事件标志着预试车工作的结束。(是一个时间点) 国际电工委标准IEC62337中关于试车阶段的划分 预试车及机械竣工 Pre-commissioning & Mechanical Completion 预试车、机械竣工及其检查 Pre-commissioning , Mechanical Completion & inspection 检查装置现场的施工成品是否依照下列文件: Checking that everything has been built and it there as per specification. Refer: 管道布置图Piping Plan Drawings; 平面布置图Layout and construction drawings; 管道及仪表流程图 P & ID’s 规范、标准Codes 电气、仪表及控制系统 Electrical systems, Instrumentation and control systems checkout down 由有资质的电仪专业人员核查,试车工程师一般不介入 By appropriately qualified personnel (Electricians and Instrumentation technicians), Commissioning engineers generally do not get involved in this in a hands-on manner. 预试车的(硬件)前提条件 设备安装工作完成并已经初步调正校验完毕(含有关电气仪表的安装调校) 配套的冷却、加热、润滑等系统已安装调校完毕 基础二次灌浆已达到设计强度,配套管道已具备使用条件 装置现场环境已符合必须的安全条件 动力条件(电、汽、水等)已具备 预试车的(软件)前提条件 组织落实、明确责任 由施工经理组织,设备制造厂商指导,施工单位的员工具体操作,监理及业主方员工到场确认。 试车方案完备 试车方案一般由承包方和设备制造厂商编制,并经业主方确认 安全措施及事故预案完备并经业主方确认 机械竣工前应做的工作 What should be done before mechanical completion 公用工程试车; Utilities commissioning; 润滑及密封油系统的清洗; Lube and Seal-Oil Systems Cleane


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