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<女人香>美丽英文05-the emotional bank account.doc

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The Emotional Bank Account -- Secrets of Happy Families by Stephen R. Covey The Emotional Bank Account is like a financial bank account in one way: you can make "deposits" -- actions that build trust -- or you can make "withdrawals" that decrease it. It represents the quality of the relationship you have with other people. If you have a high balance, then communication is open and free. Let me share ideas for "deposits" you can make in your family: 感情储蓄和金融储蓄在某个方面是相似:你既可以"存款"增加信用,也可以"取款"削弱信用。它代表着你和他人之间的关系质量。如果你帐户上余额很高,那么你同亲友交往就可以无话不谈,无拘无束。 下面介绍一下我对家庭感情储蓄的一些观点: 1. Cultivate Kindness / 培养爱心 Many years ago I spent an evening out with two of my sons. In the middle of the movie, Sean, then four, fell asleep. His older brother Stephen, six, stayed awake, and we watched the rest of the movie together. When it was over, I carried Sean to the car. It was cold, so I took off my coat and gently put it over him. When we arrived home, I carried Sean in, then lay down next to Stephen to talk. Suddenly he asked, "Daddy, if I were cold, would you put your coat around me, too?" Of all the events of our night out together, the most important was a little act of kindness -- a showing of love to his brother. 许多年以前,我和我的两个儿子在外面过了一个愉快的夜晚。在看电影的过程中,当时4岁的肖恩睡着了。他6岁的哥哥斯蒂芬没有睡,和我一起看完了电影的后半部分。电影看完后,我将肖恩抱上汽车。那时天气很凉,我把外衣脱下来轻轻地盖在了肖恩的身上。当我们到家时,我把肖恩抱进房间,然后躺在斯蒂芬旁边和他说起话来。突然,他问道:"爸爸,如果我很冷,你也会用你的外衣给我盖上吗?" 那天晚上我们外出做了不少事,可留给斯蒂芬最重要的事竟然是一个极为平常的举动,一个对他弟弟表现爱心的举动。 In relationships, the little things are the big things. They go a long way toward building trust and unconditional love. Just think about the impact in your family of using words of courtesy such as thank you and please. Or unexpected acts of service, such as taking children shopping for something that's important to them. Or finding little ways to express love, such as leaving a note in a lunch box or briefcase. 在人际关系中,小事情就是大事情。它们对建立信任和培养无条件的关爱作用很大。想一想家庭中使用像"谢谢"和"劳驾"这类礼貌用语的效果吧。或者是为家人做些他们意想不到的事情,比如带孩子们去买对他们来说很重要的东西,或者想出一些表示爱的小点子,比如在午


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