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摘 要 硫酸是重要的基础化工原料之一,是化学工业中最重要的产品。它不仅作为许多化工产品的原料,而且还广泛地应用于其他的国民经济部门。在工业生产中,一般都采用二氧化硫催化氧化的方法制硫酸。根据使用催化剂的不同,硫酸的工业制法可分为硝化法和接触法。 本设计为年产12万吨硫酸车间干吸工段的工艺设计,采用硫铁矿为原料,接触法制硫酸的两转两吸工艺流程。年产12万吨硫酸车间干吸工段的工艺设计,主要包括工艺过程计算,主要设备如干燥塔、吸收塔的工艺计算及选型,部分设备的平面布置。通过设计得到干燥塔冷却器换热面积为347.4m2;中间吸收塔冷却器换热面积为386.0m2;最终吸收塔冷却器换热面积为223.5m2。干燥塔塔高为12.85m,塔径为4.7m;中间吸收塔塔高为10.50m,塔径为4.3m;最终吸收塔塔高为10.24m,塔径为4.5m。最后根据工艺计算结果绘制物料平衡表和热量平衡表,并进行了设计结果汇总。 关键词:硫酸;两转两吸;干吸工段;物料衡算;热量衡算 Abstract Sulfuric acid is one of the most important basic chemical materials and the most important product in chemical industry. It抯 not only the raw material of many chemical products, but also be used in many fields in our national economy. In industrial manufacture, we always produce sulfuric acid by oxidizing SO2 with the existence of catalyst. According to the different use of catalysts, ways of producing sulfuric acid in industrial manufacture can be classified into nitrification method and sulfurization method. This design is the annual production capacity of 120,000 tons sulfuric acid of dry absorption, and we use pyrite as raw material and adopt the method of two transformations and two absorption. The design includes the calculation and selection of the main equipment, the layout of some equipment etc. It also calculates the mass balance and heat balance of dry adsorption process. Through the design, The heat exchange area of the drying tower is 347.4m2, the middle absorption tower 386.0 m2, the last absorption tower 223.5m2. The height of the drying tower is 12.85m, the middle absorption tower 10.50m, the last absorption tower 10.24m. And the diameter of the drying tower is 4.7m, the middle absorption tower 4.3m, the last absorption tower 4.5m. Meanwhile, material balance and heat balance table are drawn according to the design results. Finally, a conclusion of the final design results is drawn. Keywords: sulfuric acid; two transformations and two absorption; dry absorption; mass balance; heat balance 目 录 摘 要


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