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如何制定一周工作计划 What's the best way to get something done at work? Do it on a Tuesday. More than half of executives polled by Robert Half International said employees hit their peak performance on Tuesdays. 想把某项工作做到最好?那就在周二做吧。根据Robert Half International的调查,一半以上的执行官称员工在周二的表现最佳。 Unfortunately, not every day is Tuesday. But you can plan your week to maximize your productivity on this day -- and the other four. Consider the following schedule. While the nature of your job or your own personal preference might prevent you from following it to the letter, giving your workweek at least some structure can prove highly beneficial. 不幸地是,并不是每天都是星期二。不过你可以通过计划来最大化地利用这一天——还有其余四天。可以考虑下面的工作时间安排。虽然工作性质或个人偏好也许让你无法原原本本地执行计划,可是有一点条条框框还是大有好处的。 Make a plan on Monday. When you arrive at work Monday morning, chances are you are still transitioning from weekend to workweek. Mondays also are frequently filled with meetings, and that can decrease the amount of time you have to devote to your regular tasks. Since this may not be your most productive day, use it to set the stage for the rest of your week. Take some time to develop a to-do list and prioritize your projects for the days ahead. 周一:做好计划。第一天上班的时候,可能你还正处于从周末到工作日的过渡中。周一经常有很多会议,这减少了常规工作的时间。也许周一不是状态最好的一天,但可以用它来为这一周的工作搭建舞台。花一些时间为接下来的几天列出一张清单和优先化项目。 Time to get movin' on Tuesday. This day provides you with an opportunity to focus your efforts and establish momentum for the rest of your week -- it's also the day to begin projects that will require extended concentration. Try to arrange your time so you have few interruptions or meetings; changing gears frequently hurts your productivity. Along the same lines, try to cluster projects that require similar resources for even more efficiency. 周二:开始行动。你在这天可以全力以赴,并用这天的能量带动后面几天的工作。可以着手于那些需要长时间注意力的事项。安排好时间,避免打扰或会议;不停”换挡“无益于工作状态。同时,把需要相似资源的项目集中在一起来完成以进一步提高效率。 Reassess your week on Wednesday. The middle of the week provides an opportunity for you to figure out where you're at and what still needs



