
模具毕业设计论文 园盒注射模具参数化设计.doc

模具毕业设计论文 园盒注射模具参数化设计.doc

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园盒注射模具参数化设计 湖南工业大学本科生毕业设计 园盒注射模具参数化设计 院 (系):机械工程学院 专 业:材料成型及控制工程 学 号:0340530130 学生姓名:贺绍辉 指导教师:徐弘 高级工程师 2007年06月 摘 要 本设计详细地阐述了园盒注射模具的参数化设计过程,给出了注射模具设计的一般步骤。在对产品进行结构分析和工艺分析的过程中,使用了MPA来模拟充型过程、分析成型过程中的参数变化、预测充型质量和可能出现的缺陷。列出了注射机选择的主要依据,并对主要参数进行了校核。在模具的结构设计的过程中,举出了各部分设计时应参照的原则,并结合本课题进行了具体的分析。在分型面的选择问题上,本设计列出了三种方案,通过分析比较,选择了一种最佳方案。侧抽芯主要参数的确定,参照了斜导柱的计算方法,指出了侧抽芯机构的设计要点。重点分析设计了调温系统,说明了调温系统对产品成型的重要性,详细计算了进、出模具的热量,最终确定散热面积、冷却水道直径、冷却水道长度等工艺参数。在设计完结构后,对模具的安装进行了大致的说明,对模具的开合动作做了必要的分析,对试模过程中可能出现的问题做了详细的分析,并提出了相应的解决方法。使用Pro/E进行三维造型贯穿整个设计过程,使设计变得很轻松,也可以及时地发现模具中的干涉等问题。 关键词:注射模,Pro/E,模流分析,园盒 ABSTRACT This paper has elaborated the injection mould parametric design of the Round Box, and mentioned the general steps of injection mould design. During plastic part analysis and structure analysis, MPA is used to simulate the filling process, analysis the parameters’ change during molding and forecast the filling quality. How to choose machine and check the main parameters is involved in this paper. During the structure design of the mold, the principle of each part is been listed out and analysised combining this title. The issue of designing parting plane, there list three programs and choose the best one at last. The determination of side core’s parameters is referenced to the method of oblique guide. The design points of the side core is listed out. The temperature adjusting system’s design and analysis is the focus in this paper. Here elaborated the importance of the temperature adjusting system, and detailed calculated the heat that enter and out the mold, then determined the parameters of cooling system. After the design of structure, this paper simply explains the assemble order, analyses the course of mold opening and closing. It analyses the problem that would appear during testing the mold and gives some blue print to solve those problem. Pro/E is being used to built of three-dimensional model. It makes the design a easy work, and some problems like interve


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